面對動物實驗的神話 (下) | 環境資訊中心

面對動物實驗的神話 (下)












  1. 美國國家衛生研究院於1998年的調查指出,他們贊助的動物研究,有25%是詐欺。可藉由director@nih.gov寫信給美國國家衛生研究院的院長,以表達你希望贊助的規定能更嚴謹。
  2. 大部份的動物與人類是不相同的,並且在動物身上使用人類的藥物是可笑的。若盤尼西林當年使用天竺鼠作為試驗對象,將永遠無法上市--因為天竺鼠會因此而死。可由人道動物協會http://www.peta-online.org得知更多關於此議題的資訊。
  3. 許多慈善團體支持動物實驗,可由下面網站中找到並不支持動物實驗的慈善機構:http://www.geari.org/charitiesdonttest.html
  4. 持續得知收容所佔有的議題及找出在你的社區中所做的事,可參考下列網址: http://www.banpoundseizure.org/home.shtml
  5. 在下列網址可得知更多關於動物研究的議題: http://www.aavs.org/laboratories01.html
  6. 可在 http://www.aavs.org/relatedSites.html得知更多廣泛的網路討論議題。
  7. 在下列網站可找到不使用動物測試的公司: http://www.peta.org/mall/cc/ccdonttest.html
  8. 可在約翰霍浦金斯大學中找到動物測試的替代方式: http://altweb.jhsph.edu/
  9. 現代化醫學研究委員會: http://www.mrmcmed.org/critcv.html
  10. 可拜訪為動物人道治療的心理學家:http://www.psyeta.org/
  11. 傑奇‧艾倫‧朱利安諾博士是西雅圖的作家與教師,並且也是《淨化我們的世界:從黑暗到光明的旅程》的作者,可由此網址找到他的作品:http://www.xlibris.com/HealingOurWorld.html以及另一著作《在這地球往來之間的反射》:http://ofthisearth.org/。請將您的想法、意見及觀點寄給朱利安諾博士:jackie@healingourworld.com 以及他的網站:http://www.healingourworld.com/
Standing up to the Mythology of Animal Research
By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

We discovered that the research community also keeps the public in the dark about the many inconsistencies that exist between animal and human physiology. In many cases, testing on animals rather than computer models or tissue cultures makes absolutely no sense from a scientific point of view. For example, rats and mice are the most common test subjects. Millions are used each year. Yet when human physiology is compared to that of rodents, the differences far outweigh any similarities.

Most importantly, the three year lifespan of rodents requires that massive doses of drugs be used for testing, more than a human would ever consume in many lifetimes. Certain drugs used for cancer chemotherapy that cause kidney damage in humans do not in rodents. Imuran, a drug used to treat certain serious diseases by suppressing the immune system, causes birth defects in mice, but not in humans. Rodents eliminate drugs from their bodies in three hours, compared to 72 hours in humans. Rodents get Vitamin D by licking their own fur while humans can only get it through exposure to sunlight or diet.

Rodents have no gall bladder and digest fats very differently from humans. There are many more examples of drugs and procedures that kill rodents but do not harm humans and vice versa. These examples extend to other species as well.

So why do animals continue to be used when alternatives exist? Because it is an industry, not a science, and huge businesses exist to breed or acquire animals destined for research, sometimes through very brutal methods. Parents of baby chimpanzees in Africa are still murdered by those acting on behalf of animal research supply houses, and the young chimps are kidnapped to sell into research facilities in the United States.

Sound familiar, like another period in U.S. history involving beings from Africa and slavery?

Animals are relatively cheap and, if you cast morals and ethics to the wind, you can brutalize them, throw them away if you make a mistake or the results are not to your liking, and just get more.

Many researchers are addicted to research grants, renewing them every six months even though they have no results to show – and the granting agencies do not require any - for all the animals that have suffered horribly and died.

The time is long overdue for the public to rein in medical researchers who practice poor, redundant, or unnecessary experiments on animals that have been proven to have feelings very similar to humans.

While some medical advances have been made using animals, in many cases the same results could have been more effectively obtained using alternatives. The double standard of morals and ethics must end. How can we expect our children to end the cycle of violence in our culture if those we look to for leadership and hope brutalize and torture forms of life we should consider our neighbors, not our slaves?


  1. The U.S. National Institutes of Health own investigator said in a 1998 report that 25 percent of the animal research they fund turns out to be fraudulent. Send an email message to the Director of the NIH at: director@nih.gov, saying that you want the funding requirements tightened up.
  2. Most animals are not like humans and testing human drugs on them is ludicrous. If guinea pigs had been chosen as the animal subjects for penicillin tests, that drug would never have been released - penicillin kills guinea pigs. Learn about this aspect of the issue from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals at: http://www.peta-online.org/
  3. Many charities support animal research. For a list of charities that do not, visit: http://www.geari.org/charitiesdonttest.html 
  4. Keep up with the pound seizure issue and find out what is done in your community at: http://www.banpoundseizure.org/home.shtml
  5. Learn more about the issue of animals in research at: http://www.aavs.org/laboratories01.html
  6.  See a comprehensive list of websites addressing the issue at: http://www.aavs.org/relatedSites.html 
  7. For a good list of companies that do not test on animals, visit: http://www.peta.org/mall/cc/ccdonttest.html 
  8. Visit the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal testing at: http://altweb.jhsph.edu/ 
  9.  Visit the site of the Medical Research Modernization Committee at: http://www.mrmcmed.org/critcv.html
  10. Visit Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals at: http://www.psyeta.org/

{Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and teacher in Seattle and the author of "Healing Our World, A Journey from the Darkness Into the Light," available at: http://www.xlibris.com/HealingOurWorld.html and “Of This Earth, Reflections on Connections,” available at: http://ofthisearth.org/ . Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at: jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his website at: http://www.healingourworld.com/}


版權歸屬Environment News Service (ENS)


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.