雨水逕流注入河川 波音公司挨罰 | 環境資訊中心

雨水逕流注入河川 波音公司挨罰


此外,針對這起波音公司訴訟案,民眾有權對該罰款金額提出評論,波音公司則有30天的時間決定是否要為此控訴及管理委員會判決的民事罰金辯駁。對此,波音公司已於8月27日表態,他們決定不會對其污染事件辯護,並將全額支付罰金。波音公司因排放雨水逕流及含有高度鉻、戴奧辛、鉛(、汞與其他污染物的廢水至洛杉磯河的支流,遭洛杉磯水質管理委員會(Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board)罰款47萬1190美元。

該罰款起因是2004年10月至2006年1月這段期間內,位於西米谷市(Simi Valley)隸屬於波音公司的Santa Susana野地實驗室,總計有79起違反其許可範圍內的行為。其中一項即是,將污染物注入洛杉磯河及西米谷河的支流-貝爾溪。

洛杉磯水質管理委員會主席戴門(Francine Diamond)表示,我非常關切且憂心我們的河川、湖泊或海灘受到污染。



Boeing Fined for Stormwater Runoff to Los Angeles River
LOS ANGELES, California, September 27, 2007 (ENS)

Allowing stormwater runoff and wastewater discharges with elevated levels of chromium, dioxin, lead, mercury and other pollutants to enter a tributary of the Los Angeles River has cost the Boeing Company $471,190 in fines issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.

The penalties were for 79 violations of Boeing's permit, which occurred between October 2004 and January 2006 at Boeing's Santa Susana Field Laboratory in Simi Valley. The pollutants entered Bell Creek, which is a tributary to the Los Angeles River, and the Arroyo Simi.

"I am extremely concerned and alarmed whenever pollution reaches our rivers, lakes or beaches," said Francine Diamond, who chairs the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.

 "Water pollution harms our drinking water aquifers and threatens human health, aquatic life, and our multi-billion dollar coastal economy," said Diamond. "It is absolutely critical that water quality laws are rigorously followed and violations are seriously addressed."

Upon issuance of the complaint, the public was notified of the opportunity to comment on the proposed fine, and Boeing had 30 days to decide whether to contest the allegations in the Complaint and the imposition of administrative civil liabilities by the Regional Board. On August 27, Boeing elected not to challenge the allegations in the complaint and the amount of civil liability and submitted full payment.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.