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該公司總裁柯波妲(Wendy Cobrda)表示,「這項調查技術是希望能更全面性了解客戶的意向,除了基本背景資料與生活型態等因素,還考慮了他們對於生活環境的態度與信念。」



Earthsense公司合作夥伴之一的Direct Group,也宣佈發展自己的選民調查系統,根據全國註冊與未註冊的選民資料庫,並整合Earthsense此次的調查結果,提供一系列直效行銷服務。Direct Group的資料庫行銷部副主任帕爾瑪(Ken Palma)認為,「各個政黨、行動小組、杯葛組織與非營利團體都會樂意見到環保目標行銷的潛力。」 

Survey Finds Likely Voters Thinking Green
SYRACUSE, New York, November 27, 2007 (ENS)

A new public opinion poll of over 30,000 adults across the United States shows that energy prices and the environment are important to more than half of likely voters surveyed. These respondents said green issues will impact their votes in the upcoming presidential primaries. The issues are of strongest interest to Democrats the survey found.

The Eco-Insights Survey by a new applied target marketing company, Earthsense, profiles attitudes about global and national issues, candidates, green products, eco-friendly companies and purchase intent.
The Earthsense survey offers technology that integrates over 240 environmental, health and other databases to provide unique profiles of communities and consumer segments as background information.

Earthsense CEO and founder Wendy Cobrda says, " The idea is to understand as much as you possibly can about your customers and prospects - not just by demographics or lifestyle - but more holistically by also looking at their attitudes and beliefs and the environment in which they live."

More so than most other issues, the environment is politicized across party lines, the Earthsense survey found. Swing voters place a level of importance on the issue similar to that of registered Democrats whose voting intentions are firmer. The importance of the issue for Republican voters lags by comparison.
American voters are likely to be targeted with more environmental messages during the run-up to the November 2008 elections than in previous elections.

Direct Group, one of Earthsense's other partners, is launching its own Voter Insight Solutions, a suite of direct marketing services based on a new national database of registered and unregistered voters, synthesized with data from Earthsense's attitudinal study.  Ken Palma, vice-president of database marketing at Direct Group says, " Political parties, action committees, lobbyist organizations and non-profit groups all will be enthusiastic about the potential of green targeting."

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