愛荷華州官員目前正考慮2個興建燃煤發電廠的提案,分別靠近滑鐵盧(Waterloo)以及馬歇爾鎮(Marshalltown)。 然而調查發現,大多數民眾都支持「以節能/能源效率為優先」的作法,當中包括69%的共和黨員、86%民主黨員以及79%的中間選民。
Four out of five Iowans believe energy conservation and fuel efficiency should be the focus of state efforts to meet electricity demand before new coal-burning power plants are built, according to a new public opinion poll.
Iowa officials are contemplating two coal-fired facilities proposed for construction near Waterloo and Marshalltown.
The majority that supports the "conservation/energy efficiency first" approach includes 69 percent of Republicans, 86 percent of Democrats and 79 percent of Independents, the survey found.
More than three out of five Iowans (64 percent) agree with the following statement: " ... the best energy alternative is greater efficiency and conservation to eliminate waste, combined with more wind, solar power and other alternative energy ... doing this would ultimately save money in the form of economic benefits to the state, such as cleaner air, healthier children, and fewer public health risks. Therefore, we should not build additional coal-fired power plants in Iowa."