北美國際車展的綠色陰影 | 環境資訊中心



本田FCX Clarity燃料電池車。圖片來源:本田HONDA清潔與綠色概念成了在底特律Cobo Hall舉行的北美國際車展的熱門關鍵字。各大汽車公司相繼推出最新款式的綠色概念車,比較彈性燃料車輛(flex-fuel cars)的燃油經濟性,甚至宣布美國利曼賽事(Le Mans Series)將在賽場上變的更環保。

但並不是每個人都買帳。代表非營利團體「雨林行動網」(Rainforest Action Network)發言的裘帝‧范洪說:「今年北美國際車展上的綠色主題只不過是作作樣子而已。」「近兩年來在這些車展上的『環保』不過是花言巧語,並沒有真正反映到車輛的生產過程。」汽車業者只不過想讓消費者錯認他們生產的是環境有好的車輛,事實卻不然。

本田汽車2007年11月的洛杉磯車展首次推出了一款名為FCX Clarity的燃料電池車,它以本田五代的氫燃料電池組作為動力,且不會產生任何碳排放。





Shades of Green at the North American International Auto Show
DETROIT, Michigan, January 16, 2008 (ENS)

Clean and green is the buzz at this year's North American International Auto Show at Cobo Hall with major automakers showing their latest greener concept cars, comparisons of fuel economy for flex-fuel cars, and the announcement that the American Le Mans Series is going an extra green mile on the racing circuit.

But not everyone is sold. "The green theme at this year's North American International Auto Show is window dressing," said Jodie Van Horn of the nonprofit Rainforest Action Network. "The environmental rhetoric coming out of the last two years of 'eco' auto shows does not reflect true vehicle production. The industry's goal has been to fool consumers into believing that automakers are producing eco-conscious cars. Nothing could be further from the truth."

Honda is showing the FCX Clarity fuel cell vehicle, which debuted in November at the Los Angeles Auto Show. The FCX Clarity is a zero-emissions, hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle powered by the new Honda V Flow fuel cell stack.

At a media reception Sunday, Katsuaki Watanabe, president of Toyota Motor Corporation, announced the company's new environmental agenda, including a new clean diesel V8 engine in both the Tundra and Sequoia "in the near future."

Toyota has attracted environmentally conscious buyers for its hydrid Prius, but has also attracted negative attention for these larger, more polluting models.

Ford says its cars are getting greener even though improvements may be visible to consumers. Ford is launching soy foam technology in the seat cushions and seat backs of the 2008 Mustang and developing a sustainable bio-based replacement for the fiberglass now used between the headliner of a vehicle and the roof sheet metal. 

Cushions of "green" polyurethane BioFoam made from plant oils, not petroleum, are being offered at the show by the Woodbridge Group, a Canadian company with 63 facilities operating in 21 countries.

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