美國環境績效指數 落後厄瓜多爾 | 環境資訊中心

美國環境績效指數 落後厄瓜多爾


耶魯大學艾斯提(Dan Esty)教授。圖片來源:耶魯大學世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)23日發表的污染控管與天然資源管理指標評比結果,149個評比國家之中,美國是第39名,排名在厄瓜多爾及阿爾巴尼亞之後。

2008年的環境績效指數(Environmental Performance Index,EPI)是根據25項指標進行評比,這項評比是由美國耶魯大學環境法律與政策中心以及哥倫比亞大學地球研究所共同進行,自2002年開始每2年彙編一次。


此項評比的首席作者是耶魯大學環境法律與政策中心主任艾斯提(Dan Esty)教授。他表示:「美國在飲水、環境衛生、森林管理的議題獲得高分;但在因應影響自然及二氧化硫排放等氣候變遷、臭氧氣體污染的政策項目上卻無多少建樹。」



USA Slips Behind Ecuador in Environmental Ranking
DAVOS, Switzerland, January 23, 2008 (ENS)

A ranking of 149 countries based on indicators of pollution control and natural resource management released today at the World Economic Forum puts the United States in 39th place, behind Ecuador and Albania.

Compiled every two years since 2002 by the Yale University Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Earth Institute at Columbia University, the 2008 Environmental Performance Index is based on 25 indicators.

These indicators are grouped into six categories - environmental health, air pollution, water resources, biodiversity and habitat, productive natural Resources, and climate change.

Lead author Professor Dan Esty, who directs the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy says, "While the U.S. has high scores on some issues - drinking water, sanitation, forest management - we have very weak results on a number of issues including policies to address climate change, ozone air pollution affecting nature, and sulfur dioxide emissions."

"In Europe, people are shocked that the U.S. ranks as high as 39th as all they hear about are our poor results on greenhouse gas emissions," Esty said today. "Within the U.S., people are shocked to hear that we rank as low as 39th as everyone assumes that we are the world's environmental leaders."

"The U.S. continues to have a bottom-tier performance in greenhouse gas emissions," he said.

The top four countries are all European, with Switzerland ranked first and Sweden, Norway and Finland in the next three slots. Other European countries also rank high such as Austria - 6th; Latvia -8th; France - 10th; Iceland - 11th; Germany - 13th; UK -14th; and Slovenia - 15th.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.