加拿大卑詩省將保護大熊雨林 | 環境資訊中心



大熊雨林加拿大卑詩省省長坎貝爾(Gordon Campbell)7日宣布,省政府已決議保護佔地210公頃之海岸溫帶雨林,其中包括罕見白色亞種的精靈熊之棲地。此決議將保護大熊雨林的三分之一免於任何伐木活動,而剩餘地區將以永續伐木活動為訴求。


Conflict to Consensus: British Columbia Protects Great Bear Rainforest
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada

The British Columbia government has decided to protect a total of 2.1 million hectares (5.1 million acres) of coastal temperate rainforest, including critical Spirit Bear habitat, Premier Gordon Campbell announced Tuesday. The decision protects one third of the Great Bear Rainforest from all logging and will require the use of more sustainable logging practices for the remaining area.

"The agreement reached on these areas represents an unprecedented collaboration between First Nations, industry, environmentalists, local governments and many other stakeholders in how we manage the vast richness of B.C.'s coast for the benefit of all British Columbians," said Premier Campbell to an audience of invited guests at Vancouver's Pan Pacific Hotel. "It is an example the world can follow."