調查報告:再生能源產業 全球最夯 | 環境資訊中心

調查報告:再生能源產業 全球最夯


太陽能光電板所組成的屋頂。圖片來源:Stellar Sun Shop.jpg一份最新的全球分析報告指出,再生能源產業已從不起眼的角色邁入了能源產業的主流市場;不過,一般大眾對這個趨勢並不暸解。


這份報告由「21世紀再生能源組織」(簡稱REN21)所製作,這是一個總部位於法國巴黎的全球政策組織;而另一個位於美國華府、關注能源、資源以及環境議題的看守世界研究中心(Worldwatch Institute),亦有參與。

此報告指出,當前全球再生能源的發電總量,相當於2006年全世界核能電量的1/4,REN21主席、前全球環境基金(GEF)執行長阿什雷(Mohamed El-Ashry)表示:「在過去五年來,再生能源產業發生了許多變化,以致於有些政治人物和能源產業分析家對於現在可再生能源的觀感遠遠落後於現況。」

在此產業成長最快的技術是可連結家用電路的太陽能光電板(photovoltaics, PV),在2006及2007年的累計裝設率都達到50%的成長,估計約發出了7.7GW的電力。

在丹麥海岸中的風力發電機。圖片來源:Sandia National Lab看守世界研究中心主席法拉非(Chris Flavin)表示,這份報告表示在即將來臨的幾年之內,再生能源將有助於滿足人類的能源需求,並減少二氧化碳排量,「科學結論告訴我們,我們需要持續大幅減少排放量,但是這一切還需要更有力的政策以促進綠色能源的成長」。






Renewable Energy Industry Hot in Latest Global Status Report
WASHINGTON, DC, February 27, 2008 (ENS)

The renewable energy industry is rising from obscurity into the mainstream of the energy sector, the latest global assessment reveals, although public perception of the industry has not kept pace with the reality.
The renewable energy sector now accounts for 2.4 million jobs globally, and has doubled electric generating capacity since 2004, to 240 gigawatts, according to the Renewables 2007 Global Status Report released today.

The status report was prepared by REN21, formally known as the Renewable Energy Network for the 21st Century, a global policy network which is headquartered in Paris, France - in collaboration with the Washington, DC-based research organization Worldwatch Institute, which works on energy, resource, and environmental issues.

New renewable energy generated as much electric power worldwide in 2006 as one-quarter of the world's nuclear power plants, the report states.

"So much has happened in the renewable energy sector during the past five years that the perceptions of some politicians and energy-sector analysts lag far behind the reality of where the renewables industry is today," says REN21 Chairman Mohamed El-Ashry, who formerly headed the Global Environment Facility, an international funding agency.

The fastest growing energy technology in the world is grid-connected solar photovoltaics, PV, with 50 percent annual increases in cumulative installed capacity in both 2006 and 2007, to an estimated 7.7 gigawatts.

Worldwatch President Chris Flavin says the report shows that renewable energy is poised to make a contribution to meeting energy needs and reducing the growth in carbon dioxide emissions in the years immediately ahead. "The science is telling us we need to substantially reduce emissions now, but this will only happen with even stronger policies to accelerate the growth of clean energy," Flavin says.

Investment reached an estimated $71 billion in new renewable power, fuel, and heat production assets worldwide in 2007, the status report shows.

"This leadership has never been more important, as renewable energy has now reached the top of the international policy agenda under the United Nations and the G8," said El-Ashry. Policy targets for renewable energy exist in at least 66 countries worldwide, including all 27 European Union countries, 29 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and nine Canadian provinces.

Most targets are for shares of electricity production, primary energy, and/or final energy by a future year. Most targets aim for the 2010-2012 timeframe, although an increasing number of targets aim for 2020.
There is now an EU-wide target of 20 percent of final energy by 2020, and a Chinese target of 15 percent of primary energy by 2020. In addition to China, several other developing countries adopted or upgraded targets during 2006-2007.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.