奈及利亞爆發禽流感 世衛:所有國家都有風險 | 環境資訊中心

奈及利亞爆發禽流感 世衛:所有國家都有風險




Nigerian Bird Flu Outbreak Means No Country is Immune
LAGOS, Nigeria, February 13, 2006 (ENS)

Thousands of chickens have died in northern Nigeria this month, and now the bird flu may have appeared in the city of Lagos. Chicken sellers say that about 200 birds have died from unknown causes in Lagos state markets within the week. Bird flu is spreading in Nigeria, officials with the Nigerian Veterinary Research Institute confirmed Saturday.

"The confirmation of H5N1 avian influenza in poultry in Africa is a cause for great concern and demands immediate action," said World Health Organization Director General Dr. Lee Jong-wook, speaking from the Geneva office of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday. "This latest outbreak confirms that no country is immune to H5N1. Every country is at risk. Every country must prepare," said Dr. Lee.