「世界森林之未來」論壇在紐約揭幕 | 環境資訊中心



聯合國經濟社會事務副秘書長Jose Antonio Ocampo 來自世界各地的代表團今天在位於紐約的聯合國總部集會,並針對保護地球森林以及有數百萬人民須倚賴森林以維持生計的問題進行會談。聯合國的森林論壇為期2週,將探討控制森林消退、推動森林永續經營等國際協定。

Talks on Future of the World's Forests Open in New York
NEW YORK, New York, February 13, 2006 (ENS)
Delegates from around the world gathered at United Nations headquarters in New York today for talks aimed at safeguarding the planet’s forests as well as the livelihoods of the hundreds of millions of people who depend on forests for their livelihood. The UN Forum on Forests is meeting for two weeks to explore international arrangements to control deforestation and promote sustainable forest management.