關鍵報告:航空業將對環境造成巨大衝擊 | 環境資訊中心





飛航環境保護基金會將該技術報告暱稱為「震撼報告(shock report)」,同時表示,在 2000到2025年間,全球飛航的快速發展勢必會對環境造成嚴重的傷害。其中2000年到2025年,飛航所排的溫室氣體,預測會從5億7200萬公噸增加至12億2900萬公噸,足足為原先的2倍之多。

飛航環境保護基金會的格薩德(Jeff Gazzard )表示,「飛航所釋放的溫室氣體,其規模已大到足以威脅所有二氧化碳減量目標的達成度。」


倫敦Heathrow機場是世界最忙碌的機場之一。圖片來源:Ian Britton另外,該技術報告中也預測,導致機場周圍及高海拔地區空氣污染的一氧化氮,其釋放量也會增加超過2倍之多-由250萬公噸增加到610萬公噸。



Suppressed Aviation Report Forecasts 'Massive Environmental Damage'
LONDON, UK, May 7, 2008 (ENS)

Climate change emissions by the airline industry, airport noise, and local air pollution are all trending sharply upwards, according to a suppressed report based on information contained in U.S., European and UK government databases maintained by regulatory agencies.

The technical report was submitted to the 7th US/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar held in Barcelona, Spain last summer.

But it was not accepted for publication by seminar organizers and remained unpublished until released to the public on April 24 by the Aviation Environment Federation, the principal UK nonprofit concerned with the environmental effects of aviation.

Calling it a "shock report," the Aviation Environment Federation says that between the years 2000 and 2025 the rapid growth in aviation globally is set to generate "massive environmental damage."

Emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from aviation are forecast to more than double - from 572 million metric tonnes in 2000 to 1,229 million metric tonnes in 2025.

"Aviation emissions on this scale run a severe risk of overwhelming all CO2 reduction targets," said Jeff Gazzard of the Aviation Environment Federation, AEF.

But the latest UK Department for Transport projection of future aviation emissions, released in November 2007 contains a 2050 figure for aviation carbon dioxide of 60.3 million tonnes - way below the figures in the suppressed report.

Emissions of nitrogen oxides, which cause air pollution around airports and at high altitude, are predicted in the report to more than double - from 2.5 million tonnes to 6.1 million tonnes.

"This suppressed report forecasts shocking and continually rising impacts from aviation's major environmental impacts on a region by region basis," said Gazzard.

With local air quality impacts from nitrogen oxide levels around airports forecast to rise, the report itself acknowledges these "may lead to adverse health effects."

"We urgently need to look at demand management through tough green taxation and behavioral change messages to start to control and reduce all of these negative environmental impacts," said Gazzard, "more aircraft noise, worsening air quality around airports and growing climate change emissions are totally unacceptable!"



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.