鼓勵全民騎單車 英國投資上億打造單車城市 | 環境資訊中心

鼓勵全民騎單車 英國投資上億打造單車城市


英國預計將布里斯托設為單車城市。圖片來源:Rob Green英國政府最近為了履行減少溫室氣體排放量的約定,開始主打能說服民眾「爬出汽車、跨上單車」的計畫。英國交通部長凱莉(Ruth Kelly)進一步將布里斯托(Bristol)設為英國的首座單車城市,並宣布其他11個單車示範城鎮。



布里斯托之所以雀屏中選,是因為過去15年來它主辦了單車界盛事「布里斯托年度最大單車遊行」(annual Bristol's Biggest Bike Ride)。第15屆活動在6月22日登場,吸引了上千人一同為布里斯托慶祝獲選的這份殊榮。

「英格蘭自行車協會」(Cycling England)會長達爾頓(Phillip Darnton)表示:「我們效法荷蘭等歐洲鄰國的策略:要使更多民眾能享受騎車所帶來的多樣好處與效益,關鍵就在增加資金並持續投資。這些單車城市與城鎮所獲得的資金,將為騎單車帶來具體的階段性改變,為往後拋磚引玉。」

英格蘭自行車協會是致力於協助英格蘭地區單車化的國家機構,由地方運輸部長於2005年3月創辦,前身是國家自行車政策委員會(National Cycling Strategy Board)。現在除了運輸部,也由健康、教育、計畫和運動等政府部門共同資助。

英國在6月 23日宣布的政令,重點就在鼓勵更多的250萬成人和孩童改騎單車,藉此增進體能並對付塞車問題。





Britain Invests Hundreds of Millions to Encourage Cycling
LONDON, UK, June 23, 2008 (ENS)

Persuading people to climb out of their cars and onto bicycles is a key part of the British government's plan to meet its commitment to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. To further this effort, British Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly has named Bristol as the UK's first official Cycling City, and announced a further 11 Cycling Demonstration Towns across England.

Bristol and the 11 other towns have each won a share of the record US$197.4 million investment package to pioneer innovative ways to increase cycling in their areas. Proposals include improving cycling infrastructure such as dedicated cycle lanes, increasing bike parking, cycle training for children, and promoting the benefits of cycling.

"A quarter of journeys made every day by car are less than two miles," she said. "Cycling is an alternative that could bring real health benefits to millions of adults and children, as well as helping them save money and beat congestion.", Kelly said

Bristol was chosen in part because it has hosted a popular cycling event for the past 15 years. On Sunday, the 15th annual Bristol's Biggest Bike Ride attracted thousands who helped the city celebrate its selection as the UK's first Cycling City.

Phillip Darnton, who chairs Cycling England, said, "We have learnt from our European neighbours, such as the Netherlands, that increased and sustained investment is the key to getting more people enjoying the benefits of cycling. The funding that Bristol and the other 11 towns have been awarded is designed to create a real step change in levels of cycling, starting in 2008 and for years to come."

Cycling England is the national body co-ordinating the development of cycling across England. It was launched by the Minister for Local Transport in March 2005, replacing the previous National Cycling Strategy Board, and is supported by a number of government departments, including health, education, planning and sport as well as transport.

Today's announcement aims to encourage 2.5 million more adults and children to take up cycling, improve their fitness and beat the traffic.

Bristol wants to double the number of people cycling over the next three years, by creating the UK's first on-street bike rental network, modeled on the successful Paris scheme. Plans include establishing a 're-cycling' scheme, providing free bikes to those in deprived communities.

The city has plans to build a state-of-the-art facility for cyclists in the city center providing showers, bike parking and lockers so commuters can have a wash and brush up before starting work.On the drawing board are plans to create a dedicated cycleway to link the suburbs with the city center, opening up new, safer options for commuters who currently rely on their cars.

The further 11 Cycling Demonstration Towns will build on the work of the existing six Cycling Demonstration Towns appointed in 2005, which have seen significant increases in cycling levels.

"Beyond well co-ordinated, consistent investment in cycling, and the introduction of policy measures to encourage it, cycling crucially needs determined and persistent high-level leadership," said Darnton. "We are delighted that the government has championed this and Cycling England's other projects which aim to increase national cycling levels by 20 percent overall by 2012."

The government has already announced it is investing an unprecedented US$276.5 million in cycling to increase the provision of Bikeability training to help half a million children cycle safely by 2012; build 250 new Safe Links to School as well as create the UK's first-ever Cycling City and appoint further Cycling Demonstration Towns, as announced today.
