聯合國:京都議定書減量目標達成有望 | 環境資訊中心



UNFCCC代理主席Richard Kinley(圖片來源:www.iisd.ca)一位聯合國高級官員16日在京都議定書施行滿週年的慶祝會上表示,所有簽署國家都逐步邁向議定書規範的溫室氣體減量目標。議定書是在俄羅斯國會通過後的90天,也就是2005年2月16日開始正式生效。

聯合國氣候變化綱要公約祕書處設於德國波昂,秘書處代理主席克利(Richard Kinley)表示,受議定書規定的34個工業化國家以及歐盟,將能夠達到溫室氣體減排目標──至少是低於1990年排放量5%的水準。此目標必須在2008至2012年間,亦即第一承諾期間達到。






Kyoto Protocol Marks First Anniversary With Hope
BONN, Germany, February 16, 2006 (ENS)

Achievement of the Kyoto Protocol limits on greenhouse gas emissions are within reach of all the treaty's signatories, a senior United Nations official said today on the one year anniversary of the protocol's entry into force. The Kyoto Protocol took effect on February 16, 2005, 90 days after it was ratified by the Russian Parliament.

Richard Kinley, acting head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat in Bonn, said that the 34 industrialized countries and the European Union governed by the protocol can reach the targeted cut in greenhouse gas emissions by at least five percent below 1990 levels. This target must be met between 2008 and 2012, the protocol's first commitment period.

Many of these countries are "on their way to lower their emission levels by at least 3.5 percent below 1990 levels during the first commitment period," Kinley said. By using additional measures and Kyoto market-based mechanisms, he said they will reach their reduction targets as a group.

While expressing satisfaction at the progress to date, Kinley called on the dozens of industrialized nations that have ratified the protocol to sustain their momentum and intensify their efforts as they move toward the legally binding targets for cutting emissions by 2012.

The UNFCCC 12th Conference of Parties (COP) and the Kyoto Protocol COP 2 will take place from November 6-17, 2006. Kenya has offered to host these meetings, although the location is still to be confirmed. Canada will retain the presidency until a new president is elected in November.

WWF, the global conservation organization, said that as the protocol reaches its first anniversary, higher oil prices are a clear opportunity for governments to intensify moves towards cleaner energy alternatives. WWF urges that new energy sources such as wind, geothermal, solar and biomass should be at the center of a global effort, as well as pushing energy efficiency to the maximum.

The G8 Summit in St. Petersburg this summer will also discuss energy security. Governments are expected to contribute strategies and incentives to fuel the switch to clean energy and secure energy efficiency measures.