從挪威南部城市阿倫達爾開跑的挪威兩大音樂節,2008年加入全球對抗氣候變化的行列,這也是第一批簽約加入聯合國環境規劃署「氣候平衡網絡」計畫(Climate Neutral Network)的音樂節。
挪威規模最大的爵士藍調音樂節「Canal Street」21日在阿倫達爾市正式展開,演唱會中所使用的能源皆採用認證許可的綠色能源。節目將持續進行到27日,主要表演團體包括約翰梅爾&藍調突破者樂團、水男孩合唱團,以及當地或歐美有名的樂團,另外還有遊船河、孩童嘉年華、遊行及晚間爵士音樂即興演奏會。Canal Street音樂節吸引了約3萬名的觀眾,這些民眾將可購買到有機認證或公平交易T恤,並在該城市區域內使用有機棉和紙袋,減少塑膠袋的使用。
過去幾年來,Canal Street音樂節除了建立環保的形象,也與Hove或其他音樂節活動,在碳足跡或是減少能源消耗方面進行合作。
Two top Norwegian music festivals are joining the international fight against climate change. The two festivals, run from the southern Norwegian city of Arendal, are the first music festivals to sign on to the UN Environment Programme's Climate Neutral Network, known as CN Net.
Canal Street, Norway's biggest jazz and blues festival, opened today in Arendal using certified green energy for the concerts. It continues through Sunday, featuring John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers, and The Waterboys, many bands of local, European, and U.S. renown, boat cruises, kids' events, a parade and nightly jam sessions.
The Canal Street festival draws an audience of about 30,000, who will be able to purchase certified organic and Fairtrade T-shirts and use organic cotton and paper bags in the city area to reduce plastic bag use.
Over the past several years, Canal Street has been building up an environmental profile, and is cooperating with the Hove Festival and others on the mapping of their carbon footprint and on reducing energy consumption.
Funds raised by the offsets are going to support Clean Development Mechanisms in China approved by the United Nations under the Kyoto Protocol.
The Hove Festival, an annual rock event held this year from June 23 through 27, featured acts Beck, Duffy, and rapper Jay-Z. The event drew audiences that totaled about 50,000 to the island of Tromoy outside Arendal.
Participants, including staff and entertainers, were invited to pay by credit card or SMS for their individual carbon footprints caused by their travel to the festival and activities during the events.
These funds are being used to support a methane-to-electricity project on a landfill in China approved by the UN as a Clean Development Mechanism project under the Kyoto Protocol.
Morten Sandberg, the festival's organizer, said that the carbon footprint of the 2007 festival accounted for just over 1,300 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. This was calculated by the use of a specially developed online carbon calculator.