根據維而特(Joe Wiart)的研究團隊在法國電信局(位於巴黎市郊)所發展出的一套新計算結果顯示,幼童的大腦吸收從手機發射出來的射頻能量(radio frequency energy)是成人的二倍。
維而特在7月7日於《醫學與生物學中的物理學》(Physics in Medicine and Biology)期刊上發表的一篇論文指出,「我們的分析結果證實,兒童的腦部邊緣組織似乎比成人的更容易暴露於輻射的危險之中。」
維而特在接受美國《微波新聞》(Microwave News)雜誌的訪談中解釋:兒童不只是小大人。
電磁波能量吸收比值代表了特定的吸收率,是用來測量射頻能量為人體所吸收的比率。 根據維而特的研究結果,這些新發現適用於8歲或更小的兒童;如果是8歲以上的兒童,其電磁波能量吸收比值就跟成人比較相近。
位於蘇黎世的IT'IS基金會總裁古斯特(Niels Kuster)也表示其同意維而特的看法。由古斯特和克里斯特所領導的一支研究小組,最近為輻射防護德國聯邦辦公室(German Federal Office of Radiation Protection)完成了一個研究專案,跟維而特一樣,該研究發現,幼童的腦部區域暴露於輻射危機的比率是成人的二倍,或甚至更高。
從2000年年底開始,對於兒童是否比成人承擔更大的健康風險就一直爭議不斷,當時一個英國研究小組,主席是威廉史都華爵士(William Stewart),即建議父母們應該限制他們的小孩使用手機。
The brains of young children absorb twice as much as radio frequency energy from a cell phone as those of adults, according to a set of new calculations carried out by Joe Wiart's research group at France Telecom in the suburbs of Paris.
"[Our] analysis confirms that peripheral brain tissues of children seem to be higher exposed than the peripheral brain tissue of adults," Wiart concludes in a paper that appears in the July 7 issue of the journal "Physics in Medicine and Biology."
"Children are not simply small adults," Wiart explained in an interview with "Microwave News."
"Their skin and their skulls are thinner than those of adults, and their ears are smaller too," he said. "Given these differences, the higher SAR for children is not surprising."
SAR stands for specific absorption rate, a measure of the rate at which radio frequency energy is absorbed by the body.
These new findings apply to children who are eight years old or younger. Above the age of eight, the SARs in children are much like those of adults, according to Wiart.
"I agree with Joe," said Niels Kuster, the director of the IT'IS Foundation in Zurich. A team led by Kuster and Andreas Christ recently completed a project for the German Federal Office of Radiation Protection, which like Wiart, found that regions of the brains of young children can have exposures that are twice those of adults - or even higher.
Even more striking, Kuster and Christ concluded that the "exposure of the bone marrow of children can exceed that of adults by about a factor of ten."
They also report that children's eyes are more highly exposed that those of adults.
Whether or not children are at a greater health risk than adults has been debated since at least the year 2000, when a UK panel chaired by Sir William Stewart advised that parents limit their children's use of mobile phones.
Since then, other government groups, especially those in France and Germany, have issued similar precautionary recommendations.