加拿大禁止雙酚A奶瓶 環團敦促美國跟進 | 環境資訊中心

加拿大禁止雙酚A奶瓶 環團敦促美國跟進


加拿大14日改選新出爐的總理哈珀(Stephen Harper),近期將立法嚴禁進口販售與宣傳含雙酚A(BPA)的塑膠奶瓶,成為全球第一個為此草擬法案的國家。


環境部長貝爾德(John Baird)表示「許多西尼頻(West-Nepean)區內的選民,特別是嬰幼兒的母親,都對嬰兒奶瓶內的雙酚A感到憂心忡忡。為了所有加拿大人的健康與環境,今天為嬰兒奶瓶內嚴禁雙酚A所做的宣示,證實我們做對了事。」


環保團體自然資源保護協會(Natural Resources Defense Council)21日也於美國華府向聯邦食品和藥物管理局陳情,希望美國政府禁止在包裝或添加物方面使用雙酚A。



Canada to Ban Bisphenol A in Baby Bottles, U.S. Urged to Follow
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, October 21, 2008 (ENS)

The Government of Canada led by Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper newly re-elected last week, will immediately draft the world's first regulations to prohibit the importation, sale and advertising of plastic baby bottles that contain the chemical bisphenol A.

The government also will take action to limit the amount of bisphenol A that is being released into the environment. Environment Canada scientists have found that bisphenol A is entering the environment through wastewater, washing residues and leachate from landfills.

"Many Canadians, especially mothers of babies and small children in my own constituency of Ottawa West-Nepean, have expressed their concern to me about the risks of bisphenol A in baby bottles," said Environment Minister John Baird. "Today's confirmation of our ban on BPA in baby bottles proves that our government did the right thing in taking action to protect the health and environment for all Canadians."

Bisphenol A is an industrial chemical used to make a hard, clear plastic known as polycarbonate, which is used in many consumer products, including reusable water bottles and baby bottles. Bisphenol A is also found in epoxy resins, which act as a protective lining on the inside of metal food and beverage cans.

Today in Washington, DC, the Natural Resources Defense Council petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ban the use of bisphenol A in all food packaging and as a food additive.

If parents and caregivers continue to use polycarbonate baby bottles, the Canadian government recommends that very hot or boiling water not be put into them, as very hot water causes bisphenol A to migrate out of the bottle at a much higher rate than when it is filled with cooler liquids.

Water should be boiled and allowed to cool to lukewarm in a non-polycarbonate container before transferring to baby bottles, health officials warn.

To identify polycarbonate bottles, check to see if the bottom of the bottle has the number 7 in the center of the recycling symbol. Although the number 7 is a broad category, you can only be sure it is polycarbonate if the number 7 also has a PC beside it. If the bottle does not have a recycling symbol, there is no certain means of identifying whether it is made from polycarbonate or not.