阿諾推綠建築 湖人隊主場成為首座太陽能體育館 | 環境資訊中心

阿諾推綠建築 湖人隊主場成為首座太陽能體育館


加州州長阿諾展示斯台普斯中心(Staples Center)的太陽能發電設備(圖片來源:Office of the Governor)不同於過往林立的水銀聚光燈,位於洛杉磯市區的知名體育與表演場館──斯台普斯中心(Staples Center),即將以太陽能發電,實踐永續能源發展。



體育場上兩個美式足球場大的太陽能屋頂,是斯台普斯營運團隊綠化的最新力作,其上345千瓦的光電伏特太陽能系統,由位於加州羅斯維爾市的太陽能電力公司(Solar Power, Inc. ,SPI)所提供。完工後至少24190平方英呎的屋頂將覆以整列的太陽能光電伏特元件,發電時不會排放溫室氣體。

斯台普斯中心為美國職業籃球NBA洛杉磯湖人隊、快艇隊、女子職業籃球火花隊(L.A. Sparks)、冰上曲棍球國王隊(L.A. Kings)以及美式足球復仇者隊(L.A. Avengers)的主場,也是許多特殊活動與音樂會的主辦地點。

位於中心正對面、7000人座的諾基亞戲院(Nokia Theatre),也將由SPI裝設太陽能面板。

這兩座大場館的資深副總裁暨總經理席德曼(Lee Zeidman)表示:「我們投資了最先進的太陽能電力系統,讓斯台普斯中心和洛杉磯諾基亞戲院成為首度使用太陽能的大型表演場所,這再度見證了我們是最友善環境的企業。」

阿諾參與斯台普斯中心屋頂綠化竣工後,隨即轉往洛杉磯太陽能巡禮的下一站:Contessa Manufacturing Plant。這是世界上第一個也是最大的經由美國綠建築LEED(Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Building Rating System)認證的冷凍食品加工廠,從設備、製程到產品製造都達到節能水準,因此將打出「綠廚房」的名號。

美國綠建築委員(U.S. Green Building Council)會首次將LEED認證頒給冷凍食品加工廠,設立了企業界的新基準。LEED環保認證系統是綠建築的設計、構造與運作的國家標準,以永續發展、節水、能源效率、室內環境品質和選材這五個環境與人類健康領域來評分。


這些配備讓Contessa Premium Food公司預計,這座耗資3500萬的新工廠在第一年生產超過1.5億磅食品的同時,也要將耗能與二氧化碳排放量降低至65%。


Solar Powers Staples Center Events, Green Cuisine Factory
LOS ANGELES, California, October 28, 2008 (ENS)

The famous sports and entertainment venues at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles are about to go solar in a push to advance sustainable energy practices.

Highlighting companies and facilities that are going green, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today installed the last of 1,727 solar panels on the roof of the Staples Center.

"Our landmark global warming law calls for 30 percent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, and projects like these will help us get there while also helping us meet our long-term renewable energy goals," said the governor.

The 345 kilowatt photovoltaic solar system by Solar Power, Inc. of Roseville, California spans the length of two football fields on the roof of the arena and is the latest green action taken by the Staples management team.

When completed, at least 24,190 square feet of the center's roof will be covered with a giant array of solar photovoltaic modules generating electricity with zero emissions.

Staples Center serves as home to the L.A. Lakers and L.A. Clippers basketball teams, the L.A. Sparks women's basketball team, the L.A. Kings ice hockey team, and the L.A. Avengers football team well as hosting special events and concerts.

The 7,000 seat Nokia Theatre directly across the street will also be fitted with solar panels by Solar Power, Inc.

"Our investment to purchase these state-of-the-art solar energy systems for both Staples Center and Nokia Theater L.A. Live, making them the first facilities of their kind to do so at this level, reaffirms our commitment to insuring that our venues are the most environmentally friendly in the industry," said Lee Zeidman, senior vice president and general manager of the two venues.

Governor Schwarzenegger had another solar stop on his Los Angeles schedule today - he toured the Contessa Manufacturing Plant - the world's first and largest environmentally responsible, LEED-certified frozen-food manufacturing plant.

The facility, its processes, and the product manufactured there will be known as "Green Cuisine."
This is the first time the U.S. Green Building Council has awarded LEED certification to a frozen-food manufacturing facility, setting a new industry standard. The LEED rating system is the national standard for the design, construction and operation of green buildings. It recognizes five areas of environmental and human health - sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality and selection of materials.

Variable frequency drives adjust the amount of power supplied to motors at specific times or under specific conditions to minimize energy use.

And an innovative loading dock prevents the loss of refrigerated air, reducing temperature fluctuation and energy use.

The new $35 million plant is expected to produce up to 150 million pounds of food products in the first year and at the same time is set to reduce its energy use and emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by 65 percent, according a company statement.

Schwarzenegger has set a goal of increasing California's renewable energy sources to 20 percent by 2010, and he supports reaching 33 percent by 2020.
