烏賊車、怠速車 紐約市嚴加取締 | 環境資訊中心

烏賊車、怠速車 紐約市嚴加取締


接受廢氣檢查中的卡車。攝影:Dave Cook排放大量廢氣的烏賊柴油卡車與怠速卡車,將是紐約市保護公眾健康的長期執法新目標。







「PlaNYC是紐約市長彭博長期的永續發展計畫,透過減少有害肺部、造成氣喘的空氣污染物,讓紐約成為全美空氣最乾淨的城市,而減少車輛的排氣就是這個計畫中的重要策略。」環保局行動小組組長拉維特(Steven Lawitts)說。



「我們可以解決紐約市的柴油污染問題,」紐約環保局資深律師卡瑟(Richard Kassel)表示,「執行現有的反污染法來清理空氣,讓氣喘兒呼吸地更自在。」

New York Gets Tough on Smoking Diesel Trucks, Buses
NEW YORK, New York, November 11, 2008 (ENS)

Diesel trucks spewing plumes of visible exhaust and idling too long in violation of New York air regulations are the targets of a new long-term enforcement strategy aimed at protecting public health.

Under the plan, Department of Environmental Conservation personnel will carry out regular but unannounced enforcement actions in places where heavy truck traffic enters or leaves a neighborhood, as well as in areas where diesel trucks tend to congregate.

At those hot spots, DEC will conduct pullover operations that target trucks emitting visible exhaust.

Each time a "smoking truck" enforcement action is set up, DEC people and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection will patrol the area for trucks and buses idling excessively.

In addition to implementing this plan in New York City, DEC plans to take similar enforcement actions in environmental justice neighborhoods elsewhere in the state.

The initiative comes as a result of a successful city-state crackdown on truck and boiler pollution last year in East Harlem, a neighborhood with high asthma rates and heavy truck traffic.

DEC law enforcement officers pulled over and inspected 361 diesel trucks and issued 163 tickets for violations of various state air and safety regulations. The officers also issued 10 tickets for excessive idling.

The New York City DEP issued 33 tickets for idling trucks and 11 tickets for boilers that violated city codes.
Based on that East Harlem experience, DEC estimates that close to 20 percent of the trucks traveling the area are out of compliance with state air regulations.

With transportation studies showing there are about 10,000 truck trips daily through East Harlem, that means that there could be nearly 2,000 trucks emitting illegal levels of pollutants every work day in the area.

A key feature of the program will involve empowering communities to identify idling hot spots in their neighborhoods. New Yorkers can call 311 and help identify the locations where enforcement personnel will find hot spots of smoking and idling trucks and buses.

"PlaNYC, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's long-term sustainability plan, aims to give New York City the cleanest air of any city in America by reducing the harmful pollutants that decrease lung function and aggravate asthma and reducing emissions from vehicles is an important strategy of this plan," said DEP Acting Commissioner Steven Lawitts.

"There's little, if any, doubt that improving our air quality will help prevent asthma attacks in New York City's most affected communities," Lawitts said. "That's why we are committed to working with our state partners in enforcing emissions standards."

"Our goal is to identify and target hot spots where vehicles and diesel trucks tend to idle and congregate. So,Together with local agencies, advocacy groups and the public, we will continue to reduce air pollution and to protect our children and communities."

"We can solve New York City's diesel pollution problem," said Richard Kassel, NRDC Senior Attorney. "Enforcing the anti-pollution laws already on the books is a smart way to clean up our air and help children with asthma breathe easier."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.