反對露天氰化物採金 美國休休尼族提告 | 環境資訊中心

反對露天氰化物採金 美國休休尼族提告



加拿大巴端克金礦是全球最大的黃金生產商,近來計劃於內華達州的田納波山上進行「科迪斯丘擴產計劃」(Cortez Hills Expansion Project),然而居住在山上的西休休尼族(Western Shoshone Nation)的活動範圍,也被規劃進開發預備地之中。整個動輒5億美元的礦區設施興建計劃,預定最快於本週開始動工。



巴瑞克公司公關室主任蕭克(Louis Schack)不願對控訴做出任何回應。

美國土地管理局爭議山地處處長史密斯(Gerald Smith)則於21日說明:「我們完全遵行國會所有法律」,而他也相信,「此案所有行事皆依法有據。」

巴瑞克北美區執行長朗(Greg Lang)認為,「這個案子可以為巴瑞克公司與當地聚落創造雙贏」。「當內華達地區其他產業因經濟蕭條而關門裁員時,巴瑞克在科迪斯丘的投資計劃,將可為內華達偏遠地區帶來新一波的經濟發展與就業機會」。


南方交流會議(South Fork Band Council)副主席比爾(Larson Bill)指稱,「儘管巴瑞克公司費盡巧思以優待與金錢來包裝爭議議題,我們仍堅決反對此開發計劃。」「我們的西休休尼的子民、傳統與土地,絕對不會因此而動搖被收買。」

西休休尼族保護計劃執行人丹(Carrie Dann)則從環境觀點提出警告,「開發這座礦場將會抽取田納波山的水資源,並且不斷使用下去」。

提告團體宣稱,鑒於美國政府未能保護公共與私人資源,已違悖《聯邦土地改革政策經營法》(Federal Land Policy and Management Act)與《宗教自由回復法》(Religious Freedom Restoration Act)兩案。

此外,該訴訟指控土地管理局未依《國家環境政策法》(National Environmental Policy Act)要求,對於計劃對環境的影響進行完整評估。


Shoshone Indians Sue to Stop Barrick's Nevada Gold Mine
CRESCENT VALLEY, Nevada, November 24, 2008 (ENS); By Lisa J. Wolf

Five tribal and public interest parties filed a lawsuit in Nevada Federal Court on Thursday, seeking an immediate injunction to stop one of the largest open pit cyanide heap leach gold mines in the United States - the Cortez Hills Expansion Project on Mt. Tenabo.

Canadian Barrick Gold, the world's largest gold mining company, plans to construct and operate the mine in an area that the lawsuit states is "located entirely within the territory of the Western Shoshone Nation."

The permit was granted on November 12, and the $500 million mine construction project could begin as early as this week

The plaintiffs described the area as "well-known for its spiritual and cultural importance to the Western Shoshone" and "home to local Shoshone creation stories, spirit life, medicinal, food and ceremonial plants and items" which "continues to be used to this day by Shoshone for spiritual and cultural practices." They are asking that the mining permit be revoked.

The Shoshone maintain that Mt. Tenabo and its environs are part of the ancestral land of the Western Shoshone, which has never been legally ceded to the federal government. Nevertheless, U.S. politicians and multinational corporations ignore the 1863 treaty between the U.S. government and the Western Shoshone, treating sacred land as a public resource to be mined for gold, the tribe says.

Barrick's Director of External Communications Louis Schack declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Gerald Smith, director of the BLM Battle Mountain Field Office, said Friday, "We complied with all the laws of Congress" and said he believes "all the actions are in compliance with the regulations we have to operate under."
"This is a vitally important achievement for Barrick and for the communities where we do business in Nevada," said Greg Lang, president of Barrick's North America region. "The Cortez Hills project creates new economic development and job opportunities in rural Nevada at a time when other industry projects in Nevada are being shelved and jobs are being lost."

Barrick recently signed a Collaborative Agreement with leaders of several Western Shoshone communities. The agreement establishes a Western Shoshone Educational Legacy Fund tied directly to revenues from the Cortez Hills mine. The Fund is expected to provide financial support for generations of Western Shoshone seeking higher education.

Larson Bill, vice-chairman of the South Fork Band Council, said that while Barrick has tried "to cloud the real issues with gifts and money, we continue to oppose this project." "They have not bought our people, the traditions nor the lands of the Shoshone," he said.

Carrie Dann of the Western Shoshone Defense Project, warned, "This mine will drain the water from Mount Tenabo" and will suck "the water out of the mountain forever."

By failing in this protection public and private resources, the governments have violated the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the plaintiff groups claim.

In addition, the lawsuit alleges the BLM "failed to fully evaluate the project's impacts as required by the National Environmental Policy Act.

The lawsuit mentions that the United Nations recently found the United States and BLM in violation of the Western Shoshone's rights "due to the ongoing and proposed Cortez/Barrick operations on Mt. Tenabo."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.