莫瑞(Barbara Murray)與亞里亞斯(Cesar Arias)兩位醫學博士於當期的《新英格蘭醫學期刊》,刊載一篇論文評估過去、現在和未來在預防與治療器官感染超級病菌的作法。這些超級病菌的重要特徵就在於對抗生素的抗拒性。
例如,革蘭氏陰性細菌(Gram-negative bacteria)有辦法由細胞壁將毒素釋放至血管中,造成診療上的複雜性增加。而超級金黃色葡萄球菌在美國每年所奪走的生命其至比愛滋病毒還多。
大部份的疾病主要是由兩種病菌所致-細菌和病毒。抗生素的作用在於抑制如鏈菌性喉炎(strep throat)的細菌感染。不過若要對付像是一般感冒、流行性感冒、常見的咳嗽與流鼻水等病毒引發的癥狀,則是一籌莫展。
奧克拉荷馬醫學研究基金會(OMRF)主席普立史考特(Stephen Prescott)認為,「超級黃金葡萄球菌與其他抗抗生素的超級病菌,是今日人類健康的最大威脅」。普氏的論點立基於其研究員於2008年11月時,曾首度以視覺證據,呈現超級病菌中的一塊關鍵拼圖在醫院中如何散播它的抗藥性,並且大規模傳染開來。
People are dying from "superbugs" because our antibiotic arsenal has run dry, leaving the world without sufficient weapons to fight the ever-changing bacteria, warn infectious disease researchers at the University of Texas Medical School.
In an article in the current issue of "The New England Journal of Medicine," medical doctors Barbara Murray and Cesar Arias evaluate the past, present and future response to preventing and treating "superbugs," organisms that are resistant to antibiotics.
Superbugs can evade antibiotics by producing an enzyme that destroys the drug or creating a barrier to the drug, the doctors say. Or superbugs can pump out any antibiotic that reaches the bacterial cell or modify the target of the antibiotic so the drug cannot bind to it.
"Most of the public has heard of MRSA [methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus] because it produces the most cases each year," said Murray. "However, they have not heard of other superbugs that can be far worse."
Gram-negative bacteria can release toxins created by their cell walls into the bloodstream, where it is harder to treat them, she said. MRSA appears to be claiming more lives in the United States than HIV/AIDS.
Genomics is the study of an organism's genomes to chart its DNA sequencing. It was once viewed as a possible avenue to better weapons against superbugs, but Murray and Arias say that has not happened.
Murray and Arias say people taking antibiotics without prescriptions or not following their prescriptions as directed allow the antibiotics to be exposed to a wide-range of bacteria in the body, both good and bad, giving the bugs an opportunity to find ways to beat the antibiotic weapons.
Most illnesses are caused by two kinds of germs - bacteria and viruses. Antibiotics work against infections caused by bacteria, like a strep throat. Antibiotics do not work against viruses like the common cold, the flu and the majority of sore throats and runny noses.
Delay in diagnosis is also an issue. Murray said even with advancements, it takes about 48 hours or more from the time a culture is taken to determine what a person may have contracted and to determine what antibiotics are likely to be effective.
"MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant bugs are one of the greatest threats facing health care today," said Stephen Prescott, M.D. president of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, where researchers in November published the first visual evidence of a key piece in the puzzle of how superbugs spread antibiotic resistance in hospitals and throughout the general population.
The Division of Infectious Diseases at the UT Medical School is working toward solutions. The lab aims to investigate the clinical and molecular aspects of antibiotic resistance, attempting to understand the complex mechanisms by which bugs become resistant to antibiotics and then designing new strategies to combat them.