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Acciona能源公司陳列於內華達州一處的太陽能聚光板;圖片來源:Acciona能源公司英國清淨能源及碳交易市場分析公司「新能源財經(New Energy Finance)」4日指出,全球經濟衰退已經對清淨能源的投資造成打擊,也已無法按照全球預設的進度成長,來反轉氣候變遷的負面影響。

此分析公司在倫敦舉行的第二屆「新能源財經高峰會(New Energy Finance Summit)」中將他們新報告「全球未來2009年報(Global Futures 2009)」中的研究發現,報告給在清淨能源及碳交易市場的資深投資者、企業高層及政策制訂者。高峰會的參與僅採受邀參加的方式,並且僅限定200人與會。


位於內蒙古該退役的燃煤電廠;圖片來源:Roger Yin「新能源財經」公司的召集人及總裁黎布瑞奇(Michael Liebreich)表示:「這應當要是一則喚醒世人的訊息。新能源財經組織通常都站在爭議時樂觀的一邊,即使是在現今的衰退狀況下,我們相較於大部分主流分析家,對於改用清淨能源保持更樂觀的態度。但是,我們也不再能說我們可以在2020年之前將二氧化碳的成長量控制住。然而有些事情還是得實現,不管是重建清淨能源計畫可達成的效益,或是在丹麥哥本哈根的協商中達到出乎意料的重要成效。」

2009年對各國因應氣候變遷的努力上是一個關鍵年,也就是將在12月7-18日在哥本哈根舉行的聯合國氣候變遷會議(United Nations Climate Change Conference)提出最終解決策略。在該會議中,世界各國政府預期要在一項具企圖心及效能的氣候變遷協議上達成共識,以便承接聯合國京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol)第一期的行動,而此議定書將在2012年到期。


波蘭的燃煤電廠Laziska;圖片來源:PKE Elektrownia 最後,負責協商的聯合國官員表示,哥本哈根協議必須確認在制度中開發中國家也在技術及財務措施決策過程中獲得平等伙伴關係對待。

在3月4日的「新能源財經」公司會議中,該公司的新碳財務部門(New Carbon Finance Division)主任透納(Guy Turner)表示,在其公司最新的「全球未來2009年報」中展示的限制溫室氣體排放「總量控制與交易(cap-and-trade)」系統,這個系統採用了許多低碳技術,但是減排的進展還需要加快腳步。

Clean Energy Investments Hit By Global Financial Woes
LONDON, UK, March 4, 2009 (ENS)

The global economic downturn has hit clean energy investments and their growth is no longer on track for the world to avert the worst impacts of climate change, said clean energy and carbon market analysts New Energy Finance today.

The analysts presented findings of their new report, Global Futures 2009, to senior investors, industry executives and policy makers in clean energy and the carbon markets at the second New Energy Finance Summit in London. Summit participation is by invitation only and is limited to 200 people.

Although lower economic activity due to the financial crisis will reduce carbon dioixide emissions, the analysts said, in the longer term the drying up of funding for lower-carbon energy solutions is likely to have far greater adverse impact on emissions.

Michael Liebreich, chairman and chief executive of New Energy Finance, said, "This should be a real wake-up call. New Energy Finance is generally on the optimistic side of the debate. Even with the current recession we are more bullish on the shift to clean energy than most mainstream analysts."

"However, it is no longer possible to say we are on track to achieve peak CO2 by 2020," Liebreich said. "Something has to happen, either in terms of restoring credit to clean energy projects, or in terms of a surprisingly substantial outcome in Copenhagen."

This is a crucial year in the international effort to address climate change, culminating in the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, set for December 7-18.

There, world governments are expected to agree on an ambitious and effective climate change deal to follow on the first phase of the UN’s Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.

The Copenhagen agreed outcome need not resolve all details, say UN officials, but it must provide clarity on key issues - the emission reduction targets that industrialized countries will commit to; mitigation actions in developing countries; and stable and predictable financing to help the developing world reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change that are already inevitable.

Finally, the Copenhagen deal must identify institutions that will allow technology and finance to be deployed in a way that treats the developing countries as equal partners in the decision-making process, according to the UN office in charge of the negotiations.

At the New Energy Finance meeting today, Guy Turner, director of the company's New Carbon Finance Division, said the company's latest report, Global Futures 2009, shows cap-and-trade systems to limit greenhouse gas emissions are driving the adoption of low carbon technologies - but more rapid progress is needed.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.