《美國復甦與再投資法案》(ARRA)基金 挹注於耐候化及增進能源效益
為了努力創造就業機會並且增進能源效能,歐巴馬政府計畫使用《美國復甦與再投資法案》(American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, ARRA)的專款基金,協助民眾進行住家「耐候化」(weatherizing)。
美國能源部長朱棣文(Steven Chu)3月12日表示,在未來幾天之內,美國能源部將會挹注第一期金額80億美元的基金,用於住家「耐候化」計畫。
透過50億美元「耐候化補助計畫」(Weatherization Assistance Program)以及30億美元「國家能源計畫」(State Energy Program)的基金補助,美國能源部將與州政府及地方政府協同合作,預計將釋出87,000個工作機會,同時也可幫助低收入家庭一年節省約數百美元的能源費用支出。
To kickstart job creation and improve energy efficiency, the Obama administration is putting people to work weatherizing homes with funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, ARRA.
Over the next few days, the Department of Energy will be releasing the first installment of $8 billion in funding for weatherization, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Thursday.
With an investment of about $5 billion through the Weatherization Assistance Program and about $3 billion for the State Energy Program, the Energy Department will partner with state and local governments to put 87,000 Americans to work and save low-income families hundreds of dollars a year on their energy bills.
The first installment amounts to about $780 million, and the department will release additional funding over time as states "demonstrate that they are using the funding effectively and responsibly to create jobs and cut energy use," the secretary said.
The funding will support weatherization of homes by adding more insulation, sealing leaks and modernizing heating and air conditioning equipment, which Chu says will pay for itself many times over.
"Even as we seize the enormous potential of clean energy sources like wind and solar, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act makes a major investment in energy efficiency, which is the most cost effective route to energy independence," Chu said.
The Weatherization Assistance Program will allow an average investment of up to $6,500 per home in energy efficiency upgrades and will be available for families making up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level - about $44,000 a year for a family of four. That level rises to $55,140 for Alaska and $50,720 for Hawaii.
The improvements are estimated to reduce home heating bills by an average of 32 percent. "This energy efficiency funding for states is an important investment in making America more energy independent, creating a cleaner economy and creating more jobs for the 21st century that can be outsourced," said Vice President Joe Biden.
The State Energy Program funding will be available for efficiency upgrades for state and local government buildings, and individuals will also benefit from these funds.