美加合力打擊船舶廢氣排放 | 環境資訊中心



貨輪離開溫哥華港時在加拿大西岸早造成空氣污染的狀況;攝影:Richard Copley。美國與加拿大共同合作,讓北美民眾能免受船隻排放有害物質污染,兩國也開創先例,要求國際海事組織將海岸線向外延伸200英里(約321公里)的範圍劃定為排放管制區。






內陸湖泊管理公司的輪船Alpena號離開Wisconsin州Milwaukee市的Michigan湖,攝於2007年7月30號;圖片提供:David Fascules美加兩國將船隻排放廢氣所造成的人體健康危機和環境惡化,以量化方式進行分析後,顯示排放管制區的設立可以讓美加兩國在2020年時每年挽救8300位民眾的生命,以及減少340萬個類似氣喘等相關的呼吸道病例。



U.S., Canada Seek to Control Air Emissions from Ships
PORT NEWARK, New Jersey, March 30, 2009 (ENS)

The United States and Canada have moved to protect North American residents from harmful ship emissions by becoming the first two countries to ask the International Maritime Organization to create an emissions control area around their coastlines extending out 200 miles (300 kilometers).

U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced the move at a joint news conference with the U.S. Coast Guard and New Jersey elected officials at Port Newark.

The United States submitted a joint proposal with Canada on March 27 to designate most areas of the coastal waters covered by their Exclusive Economic Zones for the control of nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, and particulate matter emissions.

The EPA led the U.S. effort to develop the proposal in coordination with federal partners such as the Coast Guard, State Department and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Canada joined the U.S. as a co-proposer on the proposal, advancing a strategy for a coordinated geographic emissions control program.

The proposed emissions control area includes waters adjacent to the Pacific coast, the Atlantic/Gulf coast and the main Hawaiian Islands. Not included are the Pacific U.S. territories, smaller Hawaiian Islands, the Aleutian Islands and Western Alaska, the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the U.S. and Canadian Arctic, but they could be included in the future after assessments are done.

The U.S. and Canada typically see over 93,000 vessel calls at their ports annually. In addition, many more vessels operate in the proposed ECA that do not call on U.S. or Canadian ports, but instead are enroute to Mexico or South America.

The two countries have a combined population in excess of 330 million, over half of whom reside along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts and in port cities such as Vancouver, Los Angeles, Miami and New York.

The creation of an ECA would save up to 8,300 American and Canadian lives every year by 2020 and avoid some 3.4 million instances of respiratory ailments, such as asthma, according to an analysis the two countries conducted for this application that quantified the human health risk and environmental degradation posed by air emissions from ships operating in U.S. and Canadian ports and off their coasts.

Now, most large ships such as oil tankers and cargo ships burn dirty bunker fuel to generate power. Emissions control standards will require sulfur in the fuel to be reduced by 98 percent, particulate matter emissions by 85 percent, and nitrogen oxide emissions by 80 percent from the current global requirements.

To achieve these reductions, ships must use fuel with no more than 1,000 parts per million sulfur beginning in 2015, and new ships must used advanced emission control technologies beginning in 2016.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.