歐巴馬提130億美元高速鐵路投資案 | 環境資訊中心


摘自2009年4月17日ENS美國,華盛頓特區報導;YT Chen編譯;莫聞審校



「我們現在所談的是美國高速鐵路網願景。想像我們從市中心搭上火車,不急不徐前往機場或橫越登機大厦、不會誤點、不用坐在停機坪上,沒有行李遺失,更不用脫鞋。(眾笑)。想像以超過100英里的時速在城鎮間迅速移動,卻只需走幾步路到車站,下車後走過幾個街區後就抵達目的地。試想這將是一個重建美國的偉大計劃。 」總統在華盛頓舉行的記者會上說道。








  • 個別工程計畫。提供補助以完成個別完備的工程計劃,這將包括完整的環境和初期工程,重點在於創造短期就業機會。合格的計畫項目包括購置、建造,或改進基礎設施,周邊設施和設備。
  • 走廊計劃。開發整個階段或已完成規劃的地區高速鐵路走廊。包含完整走廊計畫、環保文件,和優先次序的項目清單,以達成走廊計畫目標。
  • 計劃。進入計劃的合作協議階段,包括走廊計劃的開發和國家鐵路計劃,使用非美國籍復甦與再投資法案的撥款資金。這個方式的目的是幫助建立一個結構式的機制和資金流向以利日後的走廊開發活動。



「歐巴馬總統的願景很真實,高速鐵路提供了美國人旅行的新選擇,這類選擇歷史上均有助於經濟成長和提高生活品質。我們不可能將未來的經濟發展建設在過去的交通網絡上。」秘書拉胡德說(Ray LaHood)。

Obama Puts $13 Billion High-Speed Rail Investment on Track
WASHINGTON, DC, April 17, 2009 (ENS)

President Barack Obama Thursday released his administration's plan for a new high-speed rail system that he says will reduce dependence on cars and planes and spur economic development.

The plan identifies $8 billion provided in the Recovery Act plus $1 billion a year for five years requested in the federal budget to jumpstart a world-class passenger rail system and set the direction of the Obama transportation policy.

"What we're talking about is a vision for high-speed rail in America," said the President at a news conference in Washington. "Imagine boarding a train in the center of a city. No racing to an airport and across a terminal, no delays, no sitting on the tarmac, no lost luggage, no taking off your shoes. (Laughter.) Imagine whisking through towns at speeds over 100 miles an hour, walking only a few steps to public transportation, and ending up just blocks from your destination. Imagine what a great project that would be to rebuild America."

"This is not some fanciful, pie-in-the-sky vision of the future," said Obama. "It is now. It is happening right now. It's been happening for decades. The problem is it's been happening elsewhere, not here," he said, mentioning high-speed rail developments in France, Spain, China and Japan.

The plan identifies two types of projects for funding. One would create new corridors for world-class high-speed rail. The other would involve making train service along existing rail lines faster.

The Obama plan identifies 10 high-speed rail corridors as potential recipients of federal funding: California, Pacific Northwest, South Central, Gulf Coast, Chicago Hub Network, Florida, Southeast, Empire, Northern New England and the Keystone Corridor in Pennsylvania.

Opportunities also exist for the Northeast Corridor from Washington to Boston to compete for funds to improve the nation only existing high-speed rail service.
States and local communities are invited to put together plans for a network of 100 mile to 600 mile corridors, which will compete for the federal dollars.

The government is publishing a detailed guidance for state and local applicants for the funds, and by late summer, the Federal Railroad Administration will begin awarding the first round of grants to fund projects that will begin to turn this vision into reality.

"Like all funding decisions under the Recovery Act, money will be distributed based on merit," said Obama, "not on politics, not as favors, not for any other consideration - purely on merit."

Under the plan, high-speed rail development will advance along three funding tracks: 

  •  Individual Projects. Providing grants to complete individual projects that are "ready to go?with completed environmental and preliminary engineering work ?with an emphasis on near term job creation. Eligible projects include acquisition, construction of or improvements to infrastructure, facilities and equipment. 
  • Corridor programs. Developing entire phases or geographic sections of high-speed rail corridors that have completed corridor plans, environmental documentation and have a prioritized list of projects to help meet the corridor objectives. 
  • Planning. Entering into cooperative agreements for planning activities, including development of corridor plans and State Rail Plans, using non-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriations funds. This third approach is intended to help establish a structured mechanism and funding stream for future corridor development activities.

"A major new high-speed rail line will generate many thousands of construction jobs over several years, as well as permanent jobs for rail employees and increased economic activity in the destinations these trains serve," said the President. "High-speed rail is long-overdue, and this plan lets American travelers know that they are not doomed to a future of long lines at the airports or jammed cars on the highways.?

"As a daily rail commuter for over 35 years, this announcement is near and dear to my heart," said Vice President Joe Biden. "Investing in a high-speed rail system will lower our dependence on foreign oil and the bill for a tank of gas; loosen the congestion suffocating our highways and skyways; and significantly reduce the damage we do to our planet?

"President Obama's vision of robust, high-speed rail service offers Americans the kind of travel options that throughout our history have contributed to economic growth and enhanced quality of life,?said Secretary Ray LaHood. "We simply can't build the economy of the future on the transportation networks of the past?