本月2日宣布的參賽獲獎者有來自喬治亞州的雷德利(Lucas Ridley)。其短片「保護我們的水資源--檢查汽車漏油」在30或60秒鐘的影片類別獲獎。片中描述適時的維修機動車輛,對大衆而言,是一種簡易可行的保護河道舉措。
在1至3分鐘的影片類別中獲獎的是,佛蒙特州的佩綸(Nora Kelley Parren )。片名為「不可告人的事蹟和污染水源的惡魔。」
2009年3月美國環保署「濕地、海洋和流域局」(Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds)開始舉辦此項競賽,以激勵環境管理職責理念,並且教育民眾改善自身社區水質的方式。
所有獲獎和提名影片皆張貼在環保署的網站: http://www.epa.gov/owow/videocontest.html
"One quart of oil can pollute 250,000 gallons of water. When it rains, leaked oil gets transported right into our waterways, and that's everybody's problem," says the narrator of a winning video in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's first Water Quality Video Contest.
Contest winners announced Thursday are Lucas Ridley of Trenton, Georgia, whose video "Protect Our Water - Check Car for Oil Leaks" won in the 30 or 60 second category. It shows that proper maintenance of motor vehicles is an easy step people can take to protect their watersheds.
In the one to three minute category, the winning video is "Dastardly Deeds and the Water Pollution Monster" submitted by Nora Kelley Parren of Hinesburg, Vermont.
Parren made her animated video entirely out of discarded paper. It illustrates how polluted runoff carrying pet waste, excess fertilizer and waste oil threatens watershed ecosystems.
The goal of the contest was to produce a video to educate the public about water pollution and give simple steps that people and communities can take to improve water quality.
Each of the two category winners will receive a $2,500 cash prize.
In March 2009 EPA's Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds launched the contest to inspire environmental stewardship and educate the public on ways that people can improve water quality in their communities.
EPA received more than 250 video submissions covering a wide variety of topics, including low impact development, wetlands, marine debris, watershed management, water quality monitoring, and polluted runoff.
Twenty-two videos were recognized as honorable mentions including one from two Honolulu residents about the dangers of marine debris such as plastic grocery bags, and one from the Chicago District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about litter, chemicals and fertilizers that pollute the Great Lakes.
All winning and honorable mention videos are posted on the EPA website at: http://www.epa.gov/owow/videocontest.html
The 1972 Clean Water Act has led to improvements to the waters of the United States over the past 37 years; however, there is more to be done, says the Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds. "Educating citizens about actions that they can take to promote the health of their water systems remains a vital component of improving the nation's water quality."