哥本哈根氣候談判:NGO遭驅離 催淚瓦斯、警棍加身 | 環境資訊中心

哥本哈根氣候談判:NGO遭驅離 催淚瓦斯、警棍加身


Police surround protesters outside the climate summit at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen, December 16, 2009. (Photo by Matthew McDermott) 國際公民社會領袖表示,她們希望聯合國秘書長潘基文對警方濫權阻擋NGO代表進入氣候談判會場一事,發出禁令。




丹麥警方使媒體與持許可證的NGO代表難以進入會場。約300名隸屬「氣候正義 現在就要」聯盟的NGO代表遊行至會場外,試圖加入場外由玻利維亞代表及原住民團體(Indigenous Peoples Caucus)領導的示威行列。

Police and protesters outside the Bella Centre, December 16, 2009 (Photo by Jack Lenk) Police and protesters outside the Bella Centre, December 16, 2009 (Photo by Jack Lenk)


地球之友(Friends of the Earth)代表團過去兩周一直參與談判。但當16日代表團抵達會場時,儘管他們持有聯合國許可證及當日入場所需的雙重通行證,所有團員仍被拒於門外。



一名「氣候正義,現在就要」聯盟成員多爾西(Michael Dorsey)表示,「像德布爾這種聯合國官員摧毀人民如言論、參與自由和集會權利這些基本自由時,我們知道我們生活在黑暗的時代。」


Civil Society Delegates Excluded from Climate Summit, Gassed, Beaten
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, December 16, 2009 (ENS)

International civil society leaders say they want UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to order a probe into police excesses against the representatives of nongovernmental organizations who are attending the world climate summit organized by the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

As world leaders arrived here Wednesday morning for negotiations, the Danish police forcibly removed hundreds of activists and accredited NGO delegates from the summit compound.

Demonstrators were tear-gassed by the Danish police in the morning hours despite the fact that none of them had resorted to any act of violence. Police fired pepper spray and beat protesters with batons.

About 4,000 campaigners marched on the Bella Centre in an attempt to stage a "People's Assembly" inside the summit, but were stopped by police. At least 260 protesters have been detained following clashes outside the compound, said the Danish police spokesman Per Larsen.

The Danish police made it hard for journalists as well as accredited civil society activists to have unhindered access to the summit compound.

About 300 accredited NGO delegates who are part of the Climate Justice Now! Network marched out of the Bella Center and attempted to join the protests outside, led by members of the Bolivian delegation and the Indigenous Peoples Caucus.

In their appeal to Ban, activists criticized both the UNFCCC chief Yvo de-Boer and the Danish government for police high-handedness against peaceful protesters.

The Friends of the Earth delegation has been taking part in the negotiations over the past two weeks. When the delegation arrived today, all campaigners were denied access despite the fact that they were holding all the official UN badges as well as the secondary admission passes needed today.

For his part, de Boer defended the removal of some of the NGO representatives by saying that it was done so for the purpose of "safety."?He charged that some activists were bent on "interrupting the meetings."?
In response to a question about the police action against demonstrators who assembled in front of Bella Center, he said, "I haven't been outside. I don't know what is happening there."?

Activists deplored De Boer's remarks and charged that he was on the wrong track.

"We know we live in dark times when UN officials like de Boer undermine fundamental freedoms like freedom of expression, participation and the right to assembly," Michael Dorsey, a member of the Climate Justice Now! Network.

Despite tough policing, thousands of activists joined the protest outside the summit compound, braving chilly arctic winds and sporadic snowfall. Those who were inside also staged silent protests throughout the day.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.