舊金山市長同意發行1億5千萬公債 支持屋主提升能源效益 | 環境資訊中心

舊金山市長同意發行1億5千萬公債 支持屋主提升能源效益


舊金山金門大橋附近住家屋頂的太陽能板(圖片來源:Phil 舊金山資產所有權人現在將可透過特殊的自願性財產稅,把申貸資金投注於再生能源、節能與節水計畫上。

舊金山市長紐森(Gavin Newsom)於8日簽署通過舊金山的資產評估潔淨能源計畫(Property Assessed Clean Energy,簡稱PACE),是全美目前為止規模最大的PACE計畫。











PACE模式由加州柏克萊的狄維爾斯(Cisco DeVries)所研擬,當時他擔任柏克萊貝茲市長(Tom Bates)的幕僚長。此一概念已擴展至全美,過去18個月之間有17個州通過 PACE計畫。


San Francisco Mayor OKs $150M Bond for Landowners' Energy Upgrades
SAN FRANCISCO, California, February 8, 2010 (ENS)-

San Francisco property owners now will be able to finance renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water conservation projects through a voluntary special property tax.

Mayor Gavin Newsom today signed the final legislation required to establish San Francisco's Property Assessed Clean Energy, PACE, program, the nation's largest PACE program to date.

"This green financing program is going to create green jobs and fuel the next wave of energy and water efficiency and renewable energy development in San Francisco," said Mayor Newsom. "It helps home and property owners overcome the large up-front costs of major environmental improvements to their buildings."
The program makes $150 million in bonding capacity available to private property owners. San Francisco property owners will be able to apply for financing beginning next month.

The PACE program is rooted in traditional land-secured municipal finance. Here's how it works.

A local government creates an improvement district. A bond, secured by real property within the district, is issued, and the bond proceeds are used to fund renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Property owners then repay the debt service on the bond in fixed payments as part of their property tax bill.

Each additional special property tax will be paid in full within 20 years.

The Mayor's Office estimates that 45 percent of San Francisco's greenhouse gas emissions come from energy used in local buildings. Drought and climate change threaten regional water supplies and compel greater water conservation.

Even with tax breaks and traditional loan arrangements, many local home and building owners cannot support the upfront investment for environmental improvements that pay for themselves over time.

Studies have shown that the primary barrier preventing property owners from making renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water conservation upgrades is high upfront costs. PACE programs are designed to remove that barrier.

Property owner participation is 100 percent voluntary. Only those property owners who choose to participate in the PACE program pay additional costs.

The bond proceeds are used to pay for prequalified clean energy improvements on participating properties. Property owners choose renewable energy technology like solar panels, energy efficiency projects like a high efficiency furnace, or water conservation measures.

The PACE model was developed in Berkeley, California by DeVries, who was then serving as chief of staff to Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates. The concept is expanding across the country; 17 states have authorized PACE programs over the past 18 months.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.