聲援韓國三星罹癌員工 國際連署行動正式展開 | 環境資訊中心

聲援韓國三星罹癌員工 國際連署行動正式展開




這個「三星負責運動」的新聯盟成員包括「半導體產業人健康與權益支持者」(SHARPs)、「韓國鋼鐵工會」(KMWU)、「工殤受難者權益亞洲連線」(ANROAV)、「責任科技國際運動」(ICRT)等團體。當日記者會有受害員工家屬、矽谷毒物聯盟創辦人暨ICRT總召集人Ted Smith、韓國鋼鐵公會代表等發表聲明。


此聯盟也將公佈一波國際連署行動,要求致力行銷「綠色企業」的國際知名品牌三星電子對其員工的健康負責, 聯盟對三星的要求為:

(1) 對其半導體製程所造成的危害負起責任
(2) 對受害者進行賠償
(3) 將三星電子轉變為無毒的標準工地,並有尊嚴地對待員工,以預防未來員工受到災害及虐待





請大家踴躍上網連署,並將此信盡量轉寄出去,網址: http://www.anroav.org/content/view/98/1/

New International Coalition Launches Campaign to Demand that Samsung Accept Responsibility for Occupational Deaths of its Workers
Groups to hold rally and press conference at Samsung Headquarters in Seoul
Media Advisory for Immediate Release – February 28, 2010

Seoul, Korea - On Tuesday, March 2, a new international coalition will hold a press conference at Samsung Headquarters in Seoul, Korea to announce the formation of a new campaign to demand that Samsung accept responsibility for the many deaths of its young workers from occupational cancer. The new Coalition - the "Samsung Accountability Campaign" - includes Supporters for the Health and Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry (SHARPs), Korean Metal Workers' Union (KMWU), Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV) and International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT).

The Coalition will also announce a new international petition campaign calling on Samsung to accept responsibility for the health of its workers, especially now that it has become a leading global brand that is promoting itself as a "green company" around the world. The petition is available at http://www.anroav.org/content/view/98/1/.

Speakers will include Sang-gi Hwang (father of Yu-mi Hwang, a Samsung semiconductor factory worker who died from leukemia at age 22; Ted Smith, founder of Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition and Coordinator of International Campaign for Responsible Technology; and an Occupational Safety and Health representative from the Korean Metal Workers Union.

The Coalition is calling on Samsung to:

1) accept responsibility for the hazards of semiconductor manufacturing,

2) compensate those harmed; and

3) prevent future suffering and mistreatment of workers by making Samsung a toxics-free model workplace where workers are treated with dignity and respect.

What: Press conference to announce a new international campaign for accountability by Samsung

When: Tuesday, March 2 from 11:00 to 12:30

Where: In front of Samsung Headquarters Office Building -Samsung Town of Seo-cho-dong, Gang-nam- go, Seoul

Who: Sponsored by Supporters for the Health and Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry (SHARPs), Korean Metal Workers' Union (KMWU), Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV) and International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT).

For Further information: Dr. Jeong-ok Kong: +82 10 9140 6248; or Sanjiv Pandita - +852 2332-1346

A video of some of the Samsung victims and their families is available at: http://dotsub.com/view/6147f3b8-99fc-48c2-acbe-d95be38eddd1

see http://www.ehjournal.net/content/5/1/30 -- "Mortality among US employees of a large computer manufacturing company: 1969-2001" - this study shows similar patterns of mortality to Samsung

Ted Smith

International Campaign for Responsible Technology
San Jose, CA