國際刑警:向危害非洲大猩猩的民兵組織宣戰 | 環境資訊中心



維龍加國家公園內的大猩猩。(圖片提供:Conservation International))聯合國與國際刑警組織在24日發表的一份報告中警告說,除非立即採取行動打擊非法民兵、抑制盜獵行為並保護棲地,否則非洲剛果盆地的大猩猩將會在10至15年內消失。


在這篇題為:「大猩猩的最後一戰── 剛果盆地的環境犯罪與衝突的快速反應評估報告」中認為,剛果民主共和國東部民兵所進行的非法貿易,價值高達數億美金。

國際刑警組織環境犯罪署主管希金斯(David Higgins)說:「組織犯罪集團蔑視國內與國際野生動物保育法的結果,使大猩猩成為另一個受害者。國際刑警組織的特殊地位,是為了促進國際間相互協調、團結合作的執行法律。」










吉利馬札羅山(Kilimanjaro)附近、坦尚尼亞境內姆韋卡(Mweka)的非洲野生動物管理學院(The College of African Wildlife Management)正與聯合國環境規劃署合作,研發對抗盜獵者的全新策略,以作為發展新報告的一部份。該學院為整個東非地區訓練巡護員。

INTERPOL to Crack Down on Militias Killing Congo Gorillas

DOHA, Qatar, March 24, 2010 (ENS) - Gorillas could disappear from most of Africa's Greater Congo Basin within 10 to 15 years unless immediate action is taken to combat the illegal activities of militias, counter poaching and safeguard gorilla habitats, the United Nations and the international police organization INTERPOL warned in a report released today.

Illegal logging, mining, charcoal production and increased demand for bushmeat, plus deadly outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever are wiping out Congo Basin gorillas faster than the UN Environment Programme estimated just eight years ago.

The Rapid Response Assessment report, entitled "The Last Stand of the Gorilla - Environmental Crime and Conflict in the Congo Basin," finds that militias in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo are behind much of the illegal trade, estimated to be worth several hundred million dollars a year.

David Higgins, manager of the INTERPOL Environmental Crime Programme, said, "The gorillas are yet another victim of the contempt shown by organized criminal gangs for national and international laws aimed at defending wildlife. The law enforcement response must be internationally co-coordinated, strong and united, and INTERPOL is uniquely placed to facilitate this."

"We are committed to combating all forms of environmental crime on a global scale," Higgins said. "INTERPOL is mandated to do so by providing law enforcement agencies in all our 188 member countries with the intelligence exchange, operational support, and capacity building needed to combat this world-spanning crime."

The report finds that smuggled or illegally-harvested minerals such as diamonds, gold and coltan along with timber ends up crossing borders, passing through middle men and companies before being shipped on to countries in Asia, the European Union and the Gulf.

The illegal trade is in part due to the militias being in control of border crossings which, along with demanding road tax payments, may be generating between $14 million and $50 million annually, which in turn helps fund their activities.

The report, issued during the UN's International Year of Biodiversity, is based on scientific data, new surveys including satellite surveys, interviews, investigations and an analysis of evidence supplied to the UN Security Council.

The report does contain some positive news. A new and as yet unpublished survey in one area of the eastern DRC, in the center of the conflict zone, has discovered 750 critically endangered Eastern lowland gorillas.

The report also contains good news about the mountain gorillas in the Virungas. These animals which cling to survival in an area which is shared by Rwanda, Uganda and DRC, have survived during several periods of instability as a result of transboundary collaboration among the three countries, including better law enforcement and benefit sharing with the local communities.

But more than 190 Virunga park rangers have been killed in recent years in the line of duty, with the perpetrators thought to be militias concerned about a loss of revenue.

Both UNEP and INTERPOL say that significant resources and training for law enforcement personnel and rangers on the ground must be mobilized, including long-term capacity building.

This includes funds for supporting and investigating transnational environmental crime in the region, including the companies concerned in Africa and beyond, all the way through the supply chain to the consumers.

The College of African Wildlife Management at Mweka, Tanzania near Mt. Kilimanjaro has worked with UNEP in developing new programs for anti-poaching as part of the development of the new report. The college trains rangers across the entire eastern Africa region.