美國核能研究院(Nuclear Energy Institute,NEI)3月18-21日間委託碧斯康提財團法人研究中心與GfK Roper共同調查全美1000位公民,結果顯示民意對核能發電的偏好已隨著時間改變:從1983年的49%到現今的 74%。
「民眾因關心未來的能源需求,所以高度支持核能發電,這同時也呼應歐巴馬總統和其他國家元首支持核能的聲明。」碧斯康提財團法人研究中心總經理安.碧斯康提 (Ann Bisconti)說。「總統在喬治亞對新核能反應器的貸款提出保證,這無疑提高了民眾對這個議題的關心。」
這份調查顯示出,公眾對就業機會和經濟發展的關心遠高於能源和環境議題,對空氣污染的關心也高於全球氣候變遷,雖然有部份的受訪者高度關切氣候變遷。 這份調查也發現,為了縮減全球溫室氣體排放,民眾廣泛支持核子工業。
A record-high 74 percent of Americans surveyed in a new national poll support nuclear energy and a similar majority of 70 percent says the United States should "definitely build more" nuclear energy facilities.
The survey of 1,000 adults March 18-21 by Bisconti Research Inc./Gfk Roper is the latest in a series of polls commissioned by the Nuclear Energy Institute, an industry association.
Surveys conducted by Bisconti Research show a change in the public's view of nuclear energy over time. Favorability has climbed from 49 percent in 1983 to 74 percent today.
This most recent survey found that 84 percent of Americans believe that electric utilities should begin preparation now to build new nuclear plants if needed in the next decade.
Eighty-seven percent believe nuclear energy "will play an important role in meeting this nation's electricity needs" in the years to come.
"This unprecedented support for nuclear energy is being driven largely by people's concerns for meeting future energy demand and environmental goals, but it coincides with statements by President Obama and other national leaders who have voiced strong support for more nuclear power plants," said Ann Bisconti, PhD, president of Bisconti Research Inc.
"The President's State of the Union speech and his subsequent announcement of federal loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors in Georgia clearly has elevated the issue in peoples' minds," Bisconti said.
Dr. Bisconti teaches about communicating on nuclear issues, such as waste and radiation, at Fundamentals of Nuclear Communications, a course sponsored by Nuclear Energy Institute. She also teaches about ongoing and crisis communications at World Nuclear University, a summer institute for future leaders sponsored by the World Nuclear Organization with support from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The March survey found that the public is far more concerned about job creation and economic growth than energy and the environment at the present time. Moreover, air pollution is a greater concern than global climate change, although some respondents care very much about climate change.
The survey found broad support for nuclear industry actions to limit greenhouse gas emissions.
The survey shows that, among respondents with the most intense feelings about nuclear energy, those who strongly support nuclear energy exceed those who strongly oppose it by a three-to-one margin (33 percent to 10 percent).
The poll also shows that Americans are highly supportive (72 percent) of the federal government playing an active role in encouraging investment in solar, wind, advanced-design nuclear power plants or other energy technologies that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases linked to the threat of global climate change.
Public confidence in nuclear plant safety also is at record levels. When asked to rate the safety of nuclear power plants on a 1-to-7 scale, 73 percent gave ratings of 5 or above, 5 compared with 35 percent in 1984, when the question was first asked. Also, 82 percent agreed that U.S. nuclear power plants are "safe and secure."
This confidence is evidenced by support of a record-high 87 percent for license renewal for nuclear power plants that continue to meet federal safety standards.
Nuclear power plants operating in 31 states produce 20 percent of the nation's electricity, even though they constitute only 10 percent of installed electric generating capacity.
Although the public is somewhat confident in the nuclear industry's ability to safely store used reactor fuel at nuclear power plant sites (59 percent), eight out of 10 of those surveyed expressed a strong desire for the federal government to move used nuclear fuel rods to centralized, secure storage facilities away from the plant sites until a permanent disposal facility is ready.
The survey showed strong support (79 percent) for recycling used fuel from nuclear energy facilities to generate additional electricity and ultimately reduce the amount of waste that must be permanently disposed.