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查德「非洲地力促進高峰會」(Africa Fertilizer Summit)的前置會議中,吸引了三位的現任或前任非洲首長參加。而29日在會中發表的一篇研究指出,非洲農地面臨到嚴重的地力下降情形,且更加重了非洲大陸的貧窮問題。約有75%的農地地力明顯下降,且耕種作物所需的基本營份亦快速流失。

Africa Seeks Solutions to Degraded Soil
NEW YORK, New York, March 31, 2006 (ENS)
馬拉威Severe degradation of Africa's farmland is widespread and threatens to further impoverish the continent, according to a study released Thursday at a planning meeting for the Africa Fertilizer Summit that attracted three present or former African heads of state. The report says some 75 percent of farmland on the African continent is severely degraded and rapidly losing the basic soil nutrients needed to grow crops.