年損200萬個上班上課日 美嚴管空污 | 環境資訊中心

年損200萬個上班上課日 美嚴管空污


隨著氣溫飆高,美國東岸排出的空氣污染指數達到紅色警戒值。美國環保署6日提出新規定,要阻斷電廠空氣污染到鄰近其他州。這項名為「空氣污染物質傳輸規定」(Transport Rule)的新提案,要限制31個位在東岸和哥倫比亞行政區的電廠空污排放,幫助美國東岸符合國家空氣品質健康標準。

圖片說明:賓州一家燃煤電廠,照片來源:Stefan Schlohmer

環保署官員潔克森(Lisa Jackson)說,「這項規定是為了消除擴散到數百英哩遠的污染,這些污染會危害數百萬美國人民。我們致力於從源頭限制管理,而不是等到污染散佈到全國。」



此「傳輸規定」提案將可降低電廠排放二氧化硫(SO2)、氮氧化物(NOx),以符合各州的減排規定。SO2 和NOx會在大氣層中形成污染微粒和煙霧(smog),這些物質都跟多種疾病和過早死亡(premature death)有關。



「地球正義」律師拜倫(David Baron)說,「煙霧是重大的健康殺手,特別是像東海岸今天氣溫飆到37℃以上的日子裡!」抑制電廠排放污染物,將有助減少橘色警戒或紅色警戒天數──這種時候小孩和老人最好待在室內。



EPA Curbs Air Pollution From Power Plants in Eastern States
WASHINGTON, DC, July 6, 2010 (ENS)

With soaring temperatures across the eastern states sending air pollution readings into the Code Red zone, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today proposed regulations to cut air pollution from power plants that drifts across state borders.

Called the Transport Rule, the new proposal sets limits on power plant emissions in 31 eastern states and the District of Columbia, helping eastern states meet existing national air quality health standards.

"This rule is designed to cut pollution that spreads hundreds of miles and has enormous negative impacts on millions of Americans," said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson."We're working to limit pollution at its source, rather than waiting for it to move across the country."

"The reductions we're proposing will save billions in health costs, help increase American educational and economic productivity," and, Jackson said, "most importantly, save lives."

Air pollution is linked to thousands of asthma cases and heart attacks, and almost two million lost school or work days each year.

The proposed transport rule would reduce power plant emissions of sulfur dioxide, SO2, and nitrogen oxides, NOx, to meet state-by-state emission reductions. SO2 and NOx react in the atmosphere to form fine particle pollution and smog, which are linked to widespread illnesses and premature deaths.

Emissions reductions will begin to take effect in 2012, within one year after the rule is finalized.

By 2014, the rule and other state and EPA actions would reduce SO2 emissions by 71 percent below 2005 levels, the EPA calculates. NOx emissions would drop by 52 percent.

Earthjustice managing attorney David Baron said, "Smog is a major health risk, especially on a day like today, when temperatures all along the East Coast are soaring toward the triple digits. Curbing interstate pollution from power plants will help reduce the number of Code Orange and Code Red days when children and the elderly are warned to stay inside.

EPA is using the "good neighbor" provision of the Clean Air Act to reduce interstate transport of the emissions in upwind states that contribute to air quality problems in downwind states.

The EPA calculates that the proposed transport rule would yield more than $120 billion in annual health benefits in 2014, including avoiding an estimated 14,000 to 36,000 premature deaths, 23,000 nonfatal heart attacks, 21,000 cases of acute bronchitis, 240,000 cases of aggravated asthma, and 1.9 million days when people miss school or work due to ozone-related and particle pollution-related symptoms.

