美商投入後續資金 整治狐狸河與綠灣多氯聯苯污染 | 環境資訊中心

美商投入後續資金 整治狐狸河與綠灣多氯聯苯污染


美國司法部、環保署與零售業服務公司NCR、造紙公司Sonoco-U.S. Mills Inc.就多氯聯苯(PCB)污染場址案12日達成和解協議。兩家公司同意投入3,000萬美元的資金,加速將威斯康辛州內遭到PCB嚴重污染的狐狸河(Fox River)中有毒沉積物掘除,並共同負責規劃及執行清理計劃。

Next Stage of Fox River, Green Bay PCB Cleanup Funded
MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, April 12, 2006 (ENS)
Two corporations have agreed to spend $30 million on the expedited dredging and disposal of the most toxic sediments in Wisconsin's Fox River as part of a legal settlement announced today by the U.S. Justice Department and U.S. Environment Protection Agency. Office supplies company NCR, and paper manufacture Sonoco-U.S. Mills Inc. will design and implement the cleanup project.