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內陸漁撈過度 濫捕成隱憂







Overfishing the World's Inland Waters a Neglected Crisis
COLLEGE STATION, Texas, December 1, 2005 (ENS)

Fish pulled from the world's lakes and rivers is not the endless source of food, jobs and income that it once appeared to be, according to new research from Texas A&M University. Overexploitation of one species after another is rapidly threatening biodiversity and balance of inland water ecosystems worldwide.

"Overfishing of inland waters is a neglected crisis," said Dr. Kirk Winemiller, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station fish researcher, who led the research study published in the December issue of "BioScience." Too little attention is paid to the problem, Winemiller said.
<p>The total catch may remain high, Winemiller and his team have found, but invidual species are disappearing. As one species is depleted, the next species is targeted by fishermen. "So, the overall catch appears stable while biodiversity declines until a point of collapse may be reached," he explained.

The team said it will take local people working with fisheries experts to develop plans to co-manage the "critically harvested" bodies of water.

But the team recognizes that ecosystem based fisheries management may be long in developing. Although many studies have documented over-fishing to be a major cause of the decline of global fisheries, most of the focus is on oceans.

Inland waters are rarely mentioned because not enough information has been gathered about these fisheries, Winemiller said. Yet, he said, fish from inland waters are more threatened than those in oceans.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.