玻利維亞允許巴西鐵工廠進駐 反對人士脅持三部長 | 環境資訊中心

玻利維亞允許巴西鐵工廠進駐 反對人士脅持三部長


遭挾持的玻國經濟部長Celinda Sosa 由於玻利維亞政府允許一巴西私人企業,在玻巴兩國邊境森林保育地興建鐵工廠,反對此舉的玻國人士19日因此脅持了三位玻國部長以示抗議,所幸這三位人質目前已平安獲救。他們之前被短暫囚禁的地點位於蘇亞雷斯港,距巴西邊境100公里處。

Bolivians In Favor of Steel Mill Take Ministers Hostage
BRASILIA, Brazil, April 20, 2006 (ENS)
Bolivians protesting government plans to deny permission for a Brazilian company to build a steel mill in a forest reserve blocked the Bolivian-Brazilian border and took three Bolivian ministers hostage for a brief period Tuesday. The ministers were taken hostage in the city of Porto Suarez, located some 100 kilometers from the border with Brazil.