電動三輪車於馬尼拉都會區首度亮相 | 環境資訊中心




這20部的電動三輪車e-trikes乃是由亞洲開發銀行(Asian Development Bank)撥款1.1億美元經費贊助,以協助菲律賓引進清潔能源交通工具項目的一部分。

笑容滿面的總統艾奎諾三世(Benigno C. Aquino III)於4月13日出席了在曼達路甬市大會堂的儀式,將這些新的e - trikes移交給三輪車業者及司機協會。


「唯一可以讓我們免於外部如高油價的衝擊,就是實施長期解決方案,以確保我們和下一代的菲律賓人有充分和永續的能源。而因應之道就在於e - trikes項目。」

在市長阿巴洛斯和菲律賓能源部的能源效率專案處合力推動下,曼達路甬市成爲第一個有e – trikes的城市。






據亞洲開發銀行的數據顯示,即使把充電池所需電力納入考量,e - trikes的碳足跡也不到石油燃料機動三輪車二氧化碳排放量的1/4。

Electric Tricycles Debut in Metro Manila
MANILA, Philippines, April 16, 2011 (ENS)

Twenty bright yellow electric tricycles take to the streets of Mandaluyong City in Metro Manila this week, marking a first step towards a sustainable, energy-efficient transport model for the Philippines.

The 20 e-trikes are part of a project to introduce clean transportation alternatives in the Philippines funded by a $110,000 grant from the Asian Development Bank.

A beaming President Benigno C. Aquino III attended the ceremony Wednesday at the Mandaluyong City Hall handing over the new e-trikes to the Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association.

"There are currently 3.5 million motorcycles and tricycles in the country that emit close to 10 million tons of harmful gases and use more than $200 billion worth of oil each year," President Aquino said.

"The only way we can insulate ourselves from external shock such as high oil prices is to implement long-term solutions that ensure energy sufficiency and sustainability for us and for future generation of Filipinos. The solution is in the e-tricycle project," he said.

Mayor Benjamin Abalos and the Philippine Energy Efficiency Project of the Department of Energy have collaborated to make Mandaluyong the first city to have e-trikes.

"This is a win-win situation for the community and for the tricycle drivers," said Mayor Abalos. "The e-trike emits no carbon dioxide to the environment, and at the same time tricycle drivers earn double than the usual."

As part of the pilot project, the Asian Development Bank will install four charging stations in Mandaluyong City, which will be able to charge the e-trike batteries to 50 percent capacity in less than 30 minutes. One of the charging stations will use solar energy.

Emissions from the transport sector amount to 30 percent of all air pollution in the Philippines, and roughly 80 percent of air pollution in Metro Manila.

Public transport vehicles, particularly from tricycles, jeepneys and buses, a responsible for a large part of these emissions.

The country is poised for a clean transportation revolution and greater energy independence.

Bank data shows that even factoring in the electricity required for charging the batteries, the e-trikes' carbon footprint will be less than one quarter of petroleum-fueled tricycles' carbon dioxide emissions.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.