保護白令海、建構智慧電網 美俄攜手合作 | 環境資訊中心

保護白令海、建構智慧電網 美俄攜手合作



會議於法國多維爾的Royal Barriere飯店舉行,在八國峰會開幕日之際,兩位領導人表示,他們將擴大阿拉斯加州以及俄羅斯楚科奇自治區的邊境地區之間,兩國國家自然保護區專責機構的相互交流。






負責歐洲與歐亞的美國國際開發署副助理署長黑爾(Jonathan Hale)解釋說,「這項新的美-俄雙邊合作,將使得公用事業藉著提升其客戶能源使用效率、收集與提供再生能源以及提升電力傳輸與供應效率的同時,減少溫室氣體等有害氣體的排放。」

在德州休士頓的中點能源智能電表。圖片來自:Aaron Poffenberger相本。智能電網與智慧電表以資訊與網絡測量系統涵蓋現有的電力網絡。當電費低廉的時候,使用者可以讓智能電網開啟選定的家電。在用電高峰時電價最貴,智能電網可以關閉選定的家電以減低用電需求。


自2009年3月以來,休士頓中點能源(CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric)已經在2億美金的刺激經濟方案下,安裝了超過26.7萬部智能電表,預計在2012年以前,完成包含通信基礎設施與電腦系統,以及2百萬部智能電表的安裝。

U.S., Russia Collaborate on Bering Strait Protection, Smart Grids
DEAUVILLE, France, May 26, 2011 (ENS)

President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev today declared their intention to deepen cooperation between their two countries to protect nature and natural resources in the cross-boundary Bering Strait region.

Meeting at the Hotel Royal Barriere in Deauville, France on the margins of the G8 Summit opening day, the two leaders said they would expand interaction between the national agencies that are responsible for the specially protected natural territories and areas of both countries in the State of Alaska and across the border in Russia's Chukotka Autonomous District.

"Understanding the significance of unique Arctic ecosystems of Alaska and Chukotka in the Bering Strait region; and conscious of the effects of climate change and other pressures on the common natural and cultural heritage of the Bering Strait region," the two leaders confirmed their mutual interest "in deepening cooperation and strengthening ties."

Their statement gave special attention to the "need to protect the rights of native peoples residing in Alaska and Chukotka, and to ensure that residents and native peoples engaged in cultural and traditional activities aimed at providing for their personal needs have continued access to natural resources in accordance with each nation's laws."

Chukotka has large reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, gold, and tungsten, which are slowly being exploited, but much of the rural population survives on subsistence reindeer herding, whale hunting, and fishing.

On the U.S. side of the border, commercial and subsistence fishing is important as is gold mining and tourism.

On a different environmental issue, the Presidents hailed a ground-breaking agreement finalized earlier this month that deepens collaboration on energy efficiency, smart grid technology and clean energy. "The collaboration will help grow our economies while enhancing their sustainability," they said.

USAID's Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Jonathan Hale explained, "This new U.S. - Russia cooperation will enable utilities to reduce harmful emissions, including greenhouse gases, by enhancing their ability to help consumers use energy more efficiently; integrate and deliver renewable energy; and more efficiently transmit and deliver electricity to consumers."

A smart grid overlays an existing electrical grid with an information and net metering system that includes smart meters. When power is least expensive the user can allow the smart grid to turn on selected home appliances. At peak times, when electricity is most costly, it could turn off selected appliances to reduce demand.

Smart grids are being promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energy independence, global warming and emergency resilience issues.

Since March 2009, CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric has installed more than 267,000 smart meters and, with the aid of a $200 million stimulus grant, expects to complete installation of over two million smart meters, with communications infrastructure and computing systems, in 2012.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.