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紐約時報 安卓瑞金(Andrew C. Revkin)04.14.00 陳均輝 譯,吳海音審校

美國,04-14-2000 - 美國東部一項建造七座高塔型風車的計劃於今日展開,這將成為美國東部最大的風力發電計劃。大部分美國境內的風力發電廠都是由各地的電力公司建造的,但是PG&E公司這次將在沒有當地基本顧客的情形下,於紐約州麥迪遜郡一個小鎮投資一項總值一千六百萬美元的發電計劃,在市場上公開銷售電力。該公司期望風力發電廠的顧客能比照大學一般的團隊及體系並樂意多付5%到10%的電費,以對外宣稱他們使用的可是乾淨的能源。提供土地供此計畫租用的當地政府及農夫期望這個計劃能夠振興當地的經濟。


Construction is set to begin today on seven towering windmills that together will constitute the largest wind power project in the Eastern U.S. Most wind farms in the nation have been built by utilities, but this $16 million project planned for the rural town of Madison, N.Y., is being builton speculation, without a guaranteed set of customers, by PG&E Generating,which sells power on the open market. The company expects the wind farm's customers to be companies and institutions like universities that arewilling pay an additional 5 or 10 percent on their electric bills in order to say that they are using clean power. Local officials and farmers who have leased land for the project expect it to boost the local economy.