美國新英格蘭地區州長與東加拿大省長聯合會(The Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, CNEG-ECP)日前在伯靈頓市開會,一致支持在當地使用先進運輸技術和替代燃料車輛(alternative fuel vehicles)。
美東州長和東加拿大省長上月底在伯靈頓(Burlington)舉行年度大會,由魁北克(Quebec)首長Jean Charest和佛蒙特州(Vermont)州長Peter Shumlin共同主持。今年會議的主題為:「能源與交通:經濟成長的機會」。本次會談重點為再生能源、新興運輸技術和跨境運輸,並通過決議,希望解決成就低碳運輸過程中所遇到的困難。
康乃狄克州長Dannel Malloy獲選為運輸主席,Malloy將作為新英格蘭首長聯合會(Conference of New England Governors)的首席協調員,負責提倡和督促運輸政策的執行。
與會首長決議,將要求「運輸空氣品質委員會」(Transportation Air Quality Committee,TAQC)發展地區運輸能源使用與排放的方案。該方案應可幫助州與省政府量化先進技術車輛、替代燃料及更多高效能運輸方式對當地社會、經濟及環境的影響。 會議並要求TAQC與其他私人企業、非營利組織及政府機關合作,以加速先進技術與替代燃油車輛的發展,促進更低碳、更永續的運輸方式。在明年魁北克市的年度會議上,TAQC將提出政策建議報告。
他們還通過了一項決議,請州與省政府審查並修訂2008年的運輸空氣品質行動計劃(Transportation Air Quality Action Plan),特別是關於新興替代車輛、技術、政策方針與試驗性計畫等方面。而本次審查中的任何建議,將於明年的會議上提出。
在新英格蘭各州州長與東加拿大各省行政首長聯合會倡導下,蒙特利爾(Montreal)將於今年9月27日舉辦的替代燃油車輛展。在雙邊會議上,魁北克首長Charest和佛蒙特州州長Shumlin同意與魁北克電力公司(Hydro-Quebec)、佛蒙特州的綠山能源公司(Green Mountain Power Corporation)及其他私人機構合作,成立一個專案小組,以發展魁北克與佛蒙特地區充電設備的基礎建設。
為配合政府的魁北克電動車2011-2020年行動計劃(Quebec's Electric Vehicles 2011-2020 Action Plan),魁北克電力公司已在魁北克設立衝電站。
The Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers has expressed unanimous support for the deployment of advanced transportation technology and alternative fuel vehicles in the region.
The governors and premiers held their annual meeting Monday in Burlington. Co-chaired by Quebec Premier Jean Charest and Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin, this year's conference centered on the theme "Energy and Transportation: Opportunities for Economic Growth."
The talks focused on renewable energy, emerging transportation technologies and cross-border transportation and the leaders adopted resolutions intended to address the practicalities of achieving a low-carbon transportation future.
Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy was named Lead Governor for Transportation.In this position, Governor Malloy will serve as the chief coordinator for advocacy and policy advancement of transportation initiatives for the Conference of New England Governors.
The governors and premiers authorized their Transportation Air Quality Committee,TAQC, to produce a regional transportation energy use and emissions profile.
The profile is expected to help the states and provinces quantify the social,economic, and environmental benefits of advanced technology vehicles, alternative fuels and more efficient mobility options for the region.
The TAQC was instructed to work with other private, nonprofit, and government entities to develop policy recommendations that will "maximize the potential for and accelerate the deployment of advanced technology and alternative fuel vehicles and to facilitate a lower carbon and more sustainable transportation future."
The TAQC will report its policy recommendations at next year's conference, to be held in Quebec City.
The governors and premiers pledged to coordinate and share information on ways to address any impacts that the growth of advanced technology and alternative fuel vehicles will have on future transportation revenues.
Finally, they passed a resolution directing the states and provinces to review and revise their 2008 Transportation Air Quality Action Plan in view of emerging alternative vehicles, technologies, policy approaches, and pilot projects. Any recommendations emerging from this review will be presented at next year's conference.
To this end, on September 27, Montreal will host the Alternative Fuel Vehicles Conference, an initiative of the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, CNEG-ECP.
In a bi-lateral meeting, Premier Charest and Governor Shumlin came to an agreement to work with Hydro-Quebec, Green Mountain Power Corporation in Vermont, and private sector representatives to create a task force on deploying charging infrastructures in the Quebec-Vermont corridor.
In keeping with the Government of Quebec's Electric Vehicles 2011-2020 Action Plan, Hydro-Quebec is already setting up stations in Quebec.
The premiers and governors attracted an estimated 600 people Sunday to a rally at City Hall and march through downtown Burlington to protest government policies toward the environment, immigrants and refugees, and the economy, according to protest organizers.
※ 全文及圖片詳見 http://ens-newswire.com/?p=47572