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為慶祝6月8日世界海洋日,保育團體頒發了第二屆全球海洋保育獎給斐濟兩位領袖,以表揚他們在保育該島國獨特海洋多樣性的貢獻。獲獎的是斐濟總理卡羅斯(Laisenia Qarase)及大酋長加東尼維列(Tui Macuata Ratu Aisea Katonivere),他們因努力保育該國海岸與外海海域至少30%的區域而榮獲這項殊榮。

「國際保育組織」(Conservation International)全球海洋部門執行長厄爾(Dr. Sylvia Earle)表示:「在2005年1月,斐濟宣布將其海洋保護區擴大至30%海域,創造歷史新紀錄。斐濟的例子顯示了政府與社區的良好合作關係,並發揮了設立保護區的骨牌效應,協助保護了全球幾處最珍貴的海洋生態系統。」






Fiji Leaders Honored with Global Ocean Conservation Award
WASHINGTON, DC, June 8, 2006 (ENS)

斐濟總理卡羅斯(Laisenia Qarase)To celebrate World Ocean Day, conservation organizations have bestowed the second annual Global Ocean Conservation Award upon two Fijian leaders for their work protecting the island nation's unique marine biodiversity. Fijian Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase and Paramount Chief Tui Macuata Ratu Aisea Katonivere, were honored for their commitment to ensuring that at least 30 percent of Fiji's inshore and offshore marine areas will be preserved.

"In January 2005, Fiji made history with its marine protected area pledge of 30 percent," said Dr. Sylvia Earle, executive director of Conservation International's Global Marine Division. "Their example, including the fine collaboration of government with community, has helped to spark a domino effect of protected areas for some of the world's most precious marine ecosystems," she said.

Inspired by Fiji's pledge, other Pacific Island nations have undertaken to protect 30 percent of near-shore marine resources and 20 percent of terrestrial resources on their islands by 2020. They include Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.

The Global Ocean Conservation Award is given each World Ocean Day, June 8, in recognition of an individual or individuals who have made outstanding contributions to global marine conservation, catalyzing prominent changes in ocean governance, industrial practices, public perception or scientific knowledge.

Overfishing is one of the major threats to the sustainable supply of food from the marine environment, according to a new fact sheet from the IUCN-World Conservation Union, "Ocean Blues." Fifteen out of seventeen of the world's largest fisheries are so heavily exploited that reproduction cycles cannot guarantee continued catches.

In addition to pollution, invasions by aquatic alien species are among the most severe threats facing marine ecosystems, according to the IUCN.

The ocean not only significantly regulates the planet’s climate, but is susceptible to any changes in climate. Climate change is an overarching condition to which life on Earth must adapt, or perish. Some changes are already seen to dramatically alter our environment and ecosystems.

The Gulf Stream flow has declined 30 percent in the last half century, with the rate of decline accelerating in the past five years, the IUCN states.