商業捕鯨大戰 鯨魚存亡面臨危機 | 環境資訊中心

商業捕鯨大戰 鯨魚存亡面臨危機







日本已展現在這次會議中所擁有的優勢,首先投票排除國際捕鯨委員會保育委員會,該組織在2003 年組成,研究各項保育鯨魚的策略。



Whale Survival at Stake in War Over Commercial Whaling
FRIGATE BAY, St. Kitts, June 12, 2006 (ENS)

長鬚鯨(IWC提供)The battle over a resumption of commercial whaling is reaching a crisis point at this year's meeting of an expanded International Whaling Commission opening here Friday. Attempts to revive commercial whaling by Japan, Norway and Iceland were narrowly defeated at the 2005 annual meeting, and since then both sides have engaged in intense lobbying to build support.

Pro-whaling Japan has been wooing small, impoverished nations with foreign aid to persuade them to help overturn the 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling. The moratorium took effect after centuries of whaling drove several whale species to the brink of extinction.

Pro-conservation nations such as Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, the United States and the United Kingdom have been attempting to persuade more nations to support the moratorium. Australian Environment Minister Ian Campbell has spent months lobbying the Pacific island members of the commission with uncertain results.

Japan now counts 36 supporters among the 70 member nations of the commission. But the pro-whaling majority is not assured. Japan is the third largest donor to the Marshall Islands and has lobbied hard to bring the small country to its side.

Conservation advocates are hoping that the smaller countries will not be swayed by cash diplomacy.
Israel bolstered the ranks of the pro-conservation nations by joining the commission just days ago. Israel has no whaling industry and the new government has yet to formulate an official policy on the issue, but Israel joined in response to a direct plea from the United States to help defend the moratorium on commercial whaling.

Japan has indicated its priorities for this year's meeting, first a vote to eliminate the IWC's Conservation Committee, set up in 2003 to study measures to preserve whales.

This year, the conservationist nations have a legal opinion to back their position. An international panel of independent legal experts convened in Paris released a report June 1 finding that Japanese scientific whaling is "unlawful" under international law, and contravenes key international conventions.

The finding undermines Japan's stance that it has the legal right to commercially hunt whales in the name of scientific research.

The panel's report, the "Paris Report on Illegal Whaling," states that, "there is strong evidence that the ‘scientific whaling’ conducted by some members of the IWC is in violation of the moratorium on commercial whaling," and that such whaling is "unlawful."