地勢低窪的芬威球場因坐落在馬迪河旁的鹹水沼澤地(the fen)而得名。國家野生動物保護聯盟(National Wildlife Federation,NWF)的Miles Grant在部落格上指出,不僅是芬威球場的四周,波士頓市中心有大部分都位於填平的沼澤地上。
「這些措施都是為了因應氣候變遷和保護環境而盡一份心力,亦是球隊的驕傲。紅襪球團和我們的合作夥伴──美國自然資源保護委員會(the Natural Resources Defense Council,NRDC)的努力獲得環保署的肯定,並於2008年獲頒環境貢獻獎。」紅襪隊的網站上寫道。
Boston’s 101-year-old Fenway Park – where the World Series was won by the Boston Red Sox tonight for the first time since 1918 – is at increased risk of flooding due to climate change, warns the National Wildlife Federation.
The environmental group points out that low-lying Fenway Park took its name from The Fens, the saltwater marshland around the Muddy River on which it was built.
Parts of the neighborhood, like much of downtown Boston, were built on filled-in marshy areas, blogs the NWF’s Miles Grant.
As recently as 2010, heavy rains flooded the dugouts and batting cages at Fenway. The water doesn’t drain well because the playing field is at street level.
The subway station most Fenway fans use, Kenmore Square, suffers major flooding when the Muddy River has overflowed its banks.
The environmental group wants to remind Bostonians before the upcoming mayoral election on November 5, that climate change is making flooding more likely due to “heavier rainfalls and climate change-fueled sea level rise.”
Fenway Park itself and the Red Sox ball club are doing what they can to fend off climate change.
In 2008, the Red Sox became the first team in Major League Baseball to install solar thermal panels at a ballpark. The panels help heat water throughout the facility, saving an estimated 18 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The Red Sox management says that’s the environmental equivalent of planting 4.86 acres of trees, or not driving a car for 43,611 miles.
The energy-efficient LED lighting systems for some large billboards at Fenway Park use one-tenth the power of equivalent, traditional lighting displays.
Environmentally-friendly measures taken at Fenway Park include upgraded restrooms that reduce water use, solar powered trash compactors, recycling waste and using recycled materials for food service paper goods.
The team’s grounds crew uses biodiesel fuel in all mowers and uses electric utility carts that are exhaust and noise pollution free. They are also using more organic fertilizers and bio-stimulants on the grass.
“Taken together, these measures are making a real difference in addressing climate change and protecting our environment,” the Red Sox said in a statement on their website. “They are points of pride for the team, and we were honored when the EPA recognized our commitment by awarding the Environmental Merit Award for excellence to the Red Sox and our partner in this effort, the NRDC [Natural Resources Defense Council] in 2008.”
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