哈佛投資應對氣候變遷 外界反應兩極 | 環境資訊中心

哈佛投資應對氣候變遷 外界反應兩極


哈佛大學校長Drew Gilpin Faust。(圖:World Economic Forum)美國哈佛大學校長Drew Faust7日邀請校友和合作夥伴捐款,為氣候變遷解決方案研究基金(Climate Change Solutions Fund)籌募2千萬美元,以加速再生能源轉型的研究,並為氣候變遷挑戰下的創新方法鋪路。

今明年撥1百萬 哈佛鼓勵再生能源研究





全部持股公司不顧環境 阿根廷居民親至哈佛抗議

來自阿根廷,科連特斯的Adrian Obregon來到哈佛,為一周的抗議活動暖身。不過哈佛對氣候變遷解決方案的貢獻,將在本周面臨考驗。

由哈佛所有的EVASA和Las Misiones兩間公司在阿根廷的科連特斯開發人工林,而哈佛責任投資聯盟(The Responsible Investment at Harvard Coalition,RI@H)調查卻發現,這兩間公司竟在阿根廷破壞生態、違反地權和勞工權益。



Harvard Creates $20 Million Climate Fund
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, April 8, 2014 (ENS)

To catalyze research that could accelerate the transition to renewable sources of energy, Harvard President Drew Faust Monday challenged the university’s alumni and friends to contribute toward a $20 million Climate Change Solutions Fund that will “seed and spur” new approaches to confronting climate change.

The Climate Change Solutions Fund will be part of the Harvard Campaign’s broader ongoing efforts to raise funds for energy and environment research, which have already generated nearly $120 million in support.

Faust said that she will make available $1 million at the start of the 2014-15 academic year to launch the fund.

The fund will invite grant proposals from faculty and students across Harvard who have innovative ideas for projects that could help enable the transition from carbon-based to renewable fuels.

“Our research across Harvard – in climate science, engineering, law, public health, policy, design, and business – has an unparalleled capacity to accelerate the progression from nonrenewable to renewable sources of energy,” Faust said.

In a letter to the Harvard community, Faust noted that universities have produced much of the research upon which the scientific consensus on the threat of climate change is based.

“Ideas, innovation, discovery, and rigorous independent thought will serve as indispensable elements in combating the climate threat; these are the special province of universities,” she said.

Harvard’s commitment to these principles is being put to the test this week on campus. On Saturday, April 5, two organizers from the communities in Argentina most affected by Harvard’s timber plantations arrived in Cambridge for a week of action sponsored by the Responsible Investment at Harvard Coalition, RI@H.

In spring 2013, RI@H launched its responsible ownership campaign, demanding that Harvard take responsibility for the ethical practices of the companies it owns fully.

After learning of ecological, land rights, and labor rights violations in Corrientes, Argentina near the plantations of Harvard-owned companies EVASA and Las Misiones, RI@H published an investigative report and mini-documentary, delivered letters to Harvard administrators, and held demonstrations on campus.

Over the course of the week, the two delegates from Corrientes will speak to student groups, Harvard administrators, and student leaders about their experiences living in the shadow of Harvard’s plantations.

Across the university, more than 250 courses are offered that focus on aspects of environmental sustainability, and more than 225 faculty members are affiliated with the Harvard University Center for the Environment.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.