化學泥漿灌入匈牙利村莊 4死4失蹤 | 環境資訊中心

化學泥漿灌入匈牙利村莊 4死4失蹤



庫隆塔村長提力(Karoly Tily)向匈牙利國家通訊社(MTI)表示,4名罹難者都是當地居民,搜救隊員仍在搜尋獲報失蹤的另外4名人員。

當地約有80至90人被送往醫院,他們的皮膚與眼睛遭到化學灼傷,有6人傷勢嚴重。匈牙利國家災害管理局表示,苛性泥漿(caustic sludge)是煉鋁製程中的廢棄物,含有重金屬,若攝入體內會導致中毒。

這起意外發生在阿賈克鎮(Ajka)的Ajkai Timfoldgyar廠,位置在首都布達佩斯西南方160公里處。該廠隸屬於匈牙利馬札爾鋁業公司(MAL)。




還沒有被製鋁廠紅色汙泥淹沒的Devecser鎮美麗風光。圖片節錄自:Adam Maracz相本。國家通訊社駐地通訊員5日早上報導,臨近的Devecser鎮中有多個區域,紅色污泥仍堆積約2公尺深,而該鎮有230戶房屋遭到淹沒。

Devecser鎮長Tamas Toldi告訴通訊社,警方在人員已疏散的建築物外維持警戒,並且已在學校設置臨時收容所,提供40名當地居民與搜救人員使用。




Red Aluminum Sludge Flood Kills Four in Hungary
BUDAPEST, Hungary, October 5, 2010 (ENS)

Four people have died, including a three-month baby, after the waste reservoir of an aluminum plant burst Monday afternoon in western Hungary, flooding the village of Kolontar with red chemical sludge.(註)

Kolontar Mayor Karoly Tily told the state newswire MTI that all four victims were Kolontar residents and rescue workers are still searching for another four people who are reported missing.

Between 80 and 90 people have been taken to hospital with chemical burns to skin and eyes, including six who were seriously injured. The Hungarian National Disaster Management Directorate said the caustic sludge, a waste product in aluminum production, contains heavy metals and is toxic if ingested.

The incident occurred at the Ajkai Timfoldgyar plant owned by MAL Magyar Aluminium in the town of Ajka, 160 kilometers (100 miles) southwest of the capital, Budapest.

At least 600,000 cubic meters (yards) of the aluminum sludge spilled out when the waste impoundment broke. The cause of the incident is still unknown.

Army vehicles, two helicopters and 40 soldiers were deployed for search and rescue efforts, according to the defense ministry.

The national disaster directorate said 390 residents have been relocated and 110 were rescued from the flooded villages.

The red sludge still stands around two meters high in several areas of the nearby town of Devecser, where 230 houses were flooded, a local MTI correspondent reported this morning.

Devecser Mayor Tamas Toldi told MTI that police are keeping guard at evacuated buildings and temporary shelters have been set up in schools for about 40 local residents and rescue workers.

Gas, electricity and water supplies have been cut off in most of Devecser but the mayor said he expects the services to be reconnected today.

A disaster management authority spokesperson said acidic liquid has been poured into the River Marcal at three different locations in order to neutralize the alkaline chemical sludge that has flooded the area.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.