美國東北部七個州的州長20日聯合宣布,他們已就全美第一個強制性二氧化碳排放控制措施──「排放上限與額度交易計畫」(cap-and trade program)達成協議。這項區域性氣候變遷與能源計畫的目的,是為了減少排放溫室氣體,降低全球暖化。參與此項計畫的美國七個州為康乃迪克州、德拉威州、緬因州、新罕布夏州、紐澤西州、紐約州及佛蒙特州。
Seven Northeast States Launch Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
The governors of seven Northeast states announced their agreement today on the first mandatory cap-and-trade program to control carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. The regional climate change and energy program aims to reduce the heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming. Participating states are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont.