
陶斯松滲入飼料、糧食 高爾夫球場也常噴灑
陶斯松是1960年代陶氏化學開發的殺蟲劑,現在已經不受專利保護,開始大量出現在拜爾和BASF產品中。含陶斯松的產品廣泛用於飼料、糧食作物和飼養牛群的殺蟲劑耳標(Ear Tag)等農業用途,也可能用於高爾夫球場控制火蟻和蚊子,或是處理木頭圍籬和電線桿。
傷及兒童、蜜蜂 天上飛的、水裡游的都是受害者
65位專業人士寫信 盼盡速禁用!
「研究顯示兒童腦部發展受阻與微量的陶斯松暴露有關,而且效果是長期、不可逆,甚至是一輩子的。考量後果如此嚴重,EPA應立即禁用陶斯松,以保護兒童。」美國自然資源保護委員會資深科學家Jennifer Sass博士說。
EPA Urged to Ban Widely-Used Pesticide Chlorpyrifos
Under the threat of a court order, the Environmental Protection Agency last October proposed a ban on all agricultural uses of the Dow AgroSciences insecticide chlorpyrifos.
Now, more than 80,000 people have submitted comments to the EPA urging the agency to ban chlorpyrifos from use on all crops immediately.
First developed by Dow AgroSciences in the 1960s, chlorpyrifos is no longer patent protected and is now the active ingredient in dozens of pesticide products made by companies such as Bayer and BASF.
Products with chlorpyrifos in them are used in agriculture for feed and food crops and in cattle ear tags. They may be used on golf courses, and to control fire ants and mosquitoes. Products containing chlorpyrifos are also used to treat wood fences and utility poles, according to the National Pesticide Information Center at Oregon State University.
The six most critical crops protected, in terms of their agricultural and economic significance are soybeans, citrus, grapes, tree nuts, field corn, and alfalfa, says Dow Agrosciences.
It is one of the most widely used in a class of insecticides called organophosphates, which have the potential to cause severe neurotoxic symptoms in humans if touched, inhaled, or eaten.
Chlorpyrifos works by blocking an enzyme which controls messages that travel between nerve cells. When the enzyme is blocked, the nervous system cannot send normal signals. This causes the nervous system to malfunction and this is how it kills pests.
In December 2014, EPA acknowledged peer-reviewed science linking chlorpyrifos exposure with brain damage to children, including reduced IQ, delayed development and loss of working memory.
The agency found that drinking water contaminated with the pesticide is particularly harmful to infants, and highlighted the serious risks to workers from handling chlorpyrifos or entering fields after spraying.
Recent appeals court decisions gave EPA a deadline to take meaningful action on a 2007 legal petition to ban the chemical submitted by environmental and farmworker groups.
On October 30, 2015, EPA proposed to ban the pesticide on food crops, 15 years after banning it for residential use.
Today is the end of the public comment period on the EPA’s proposed ban. A coalition of farmworker, environmental health and labor groups submitted comments on behalf of legal experts, scientists and the general public.
Dow AgroSciences says the pesticide is safe. “Chlorpyrifos is one of the most widely used pest control products in the world. It is authorized for use in about 100 nations, including the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, where it is registered for protection of essentially every crop now under cultivation. No other pesticide has been more thoroughly tested,” the company said in a statement October 30.
Environmentalists and farmworkers don’t see it that way. “EPA’s and other independent findings show that chlorpyrifos causes brain damage to children and poisons workers and bystanders,” said Patti Goldman, the Earthjustice attorney handling the case, “It is imperative that EPA move quickly to protect workers and children by issuing a final and total ban to this widely-used pesticide.”
Dow Agrosciences argues that the court is rushing the EPA to act before all the scientific analyses have been completed.
But today, EPA received a letter from more than 65 environmental health scientists and healthcare professionals, citing extensive evidence that chlorpyrifos harms children and urging the government to ban the pesticide.
“Studies indicate that disruptions in children’s brain development are associated with very low levels of chlorpyrifos exposure, and the effects appear to be permanent, irreversible and lifelong. Given the seriousness of these effects,” said Dr. Jennifer Sass, senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council. “EPA should act now to ban this dangerous pesticide and protect children.”
Humans are not the only victims of chlorpyrifos poisoning. The National Pesticide Information Center says chlorpyrifos is “very toxic” to many bird species, and to fish and aquatic invertebrates. It may build up in the tissues of fish and other animals that eat smaller animals.
Chlorpyrifos is “very toxic” to bees. It can poison non-target insects for up to 24 hours after it is sprayed. Chlorpyrifos can be toxic to earthworms for up to two weeks after it is applied to soil.