國際人道協會控告日本捕鯨業者 澳洲法院受理 | 環境資訊中心

國際人道協會控告日本捕鯨業者 澳洲法院受理


針對日本企業在鄰近南極洲的澳洲捕鯨禁區內進行捕鯨的行為,澳洲聯邦法院近日正式做出裁決,同意國際人道協會得以對這些日本業者提出告訴。保育團體現在將進一步要求澳洲法院頒佈禁令,中止日本京都Senpaku Kaisha公司以科學研究之名進行的捕鯨活動。

Australian Court Permits Humane Society to Sue Japanese Whalers
SYDNEY, Australia, July 17, 2006 (ENS)
The Federal Court of Australia has granted Humane Society International permission to proceed with a lawsuit against the Japanese company that hunts whales in the Australian Whale Sanctuary adjacent to Antarctica. The conservation group now will ask the court for an injunction stopping the whale hunt, which is carried out by the Japanese company Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd. as part of Japan’s scientific research program.