河流看守員手冊-水壩的主要影響 | 環境資訊中心


金霞 譯;陳維立審校



蓄水庫淹沒農田、森林、濕地與河岸棲息地,又迫使使居民遷離家園。 世界上現存水壩已經迫使3到6千萬人遠離家園,並淹沒40萬平方公里的土地。大量的水因蒸發而喪失。疾病藉由蓄水庫中緩慢的水流和灌溉渠道傳播,特別是瘧疾和吸血蟲病。



版權歸屬 國際河網 環境信託基金會(金霞 譯,陳維立審校)

The Major Impacts of Dams

Dam safety: Mass of water in reservoir can increase earthquakes. Safety planning for downstream communities is often a low priority. Many older dams pose hazards from years of poor maintenance.

Water quality problems: Trees left in reservoir rot, polluted runoff is not diluted, heavy metals accumulate in sediments behind dam.

Reservoir floods farmland, forests, wetlands and riparian habitat, and displaces people. The world's dams have displaced 30-60 million people, and flooded 400,000 sq.km. of land. Enormous loss of water through evaporation. Slow waters of reservoir and irrigation canals spread disease, especially malaria and bilharzia.

Dam wall acts as physical barrier for migrating fish species. Reduced water and silt flows cause severe problems for downstream agriculture, fisheries and ecosystems.

Reservoir changes river's chemical composition, seasonal timing of flows, and temperature of water, harming fish and other species downstream. "Riverbed erosion increases dramatically downstream of dams, reducing biodiversity downstream."