屬於自然的 DNA | 環境資訊中心

屬於自然的 DNA

作者:傑夫奧森;鄭堯文 譯;楊同正 蔡麗伶 審校

哈囉 親愛的!是我啊--那個年邁、身上又堆滿垃圾的,自然母親哪

科學正大步地向遺傳基因的研究邁進。你可能會喜歡這個小道消息:感謝1994年所制定的犯罪控制法案(Crime Control Act),所有美國人的DNA將在這幾年內按照計劃輸入國家級檔案中。這些資料可以被聯邦,州和地方政府的調查員調閱,而且幾乎沒有任何既定的法律規範他們如何使用。

你的DNA密碼不是你自己的。懷疑嗎?問問冰島的人民,他們的政府在12月將所有國民的醫療、遺傳及族譜資料全數賣給deCODE Genetics,這家公司接著又將使用權賣給瑞士的 Hoffman-LaRoche製藥廠。政府及商人們不僅沒有經過任何人的同意,而且還不允許個人將自己的資料從檔案中刪去。



忘掉那些老掉牙的陰謀代名詞;JFK, CIA, FBI, UFO‧‧‧它們已經是過時的產物。現在,DNA才是最炫的。

Mother Nature's DNA
Geoff Olson

Hello dearies! It's me -- that old heap of trash, Mother Nature!

Science is marching on with genetic research. You'll love this little factoid -- thanks to the 1994 Crime Control Act, Americans' DNA is scheduled to go on file nationally within the next few years. This data is available to federal, state, and local investigators, and there are precious few legal guidelines as to how it can be used.

Your code isn't your own. Ask the people of Iceland, whose government in December sold the rights to the entire country's health, genetic, and enealogical info to deCODE Genetics, who in turn has licensed it to Swiss pharmaceutical mega-company Hoffman-LaRoche. No consent forms, and no personal right to have info removed from the database.

As for Canada, you can now genetically profile an embryo for all kinds of disabilities and ailments -- but it's not provided gratis by the health care system. Only the well-off can afford it. I don't want to sound overly dramatic, dearies, but it may only be a matter of time before the class war becomes a genetic battle.

If you've got a noble profile and designer genes, you'll be on the speed-dial of the society page party people. Otherwise, your chromosomes get to do their synchronized swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Forget all those other conspiracy theory acronyms, dearies; JFK, CIA, FBI, UFO - they're old school. The biggie is DNA.

Check out Geoff Olson's Website

全文及圖片詳見 http://ens-news.com/ens/features/cartoons/2000L-01-01go.html
版權歸屬Environmetnal News Service,環境信託基金會 (鄭堯文 譯,楊同正 蔡麗伶 審校)



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.