應對氣候變遷與能源議題 美加州、英國領導人誓約攜手 | 環境資訊中心

應對氣候變遷與能源議題 美加州、英國領導人誓約攜手






California, UK Leaders Vow Climate Change, Energy Cooperation
SACRAMENTO, California, August 1, 2006 (ENS)

阿諾與布萊爾California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and British Prime Minister Tony Blair signed an agreement Monday to become partners in addressing climate change and promoting new clean fuel technologies. The two leaders said they recognize the immediate need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ease the adverse consequences of climate change.

"California will not wait for our federal government to take strong action on global warming," said Governor Schwarzenegger, a Republican who is running for re-election in November. "Today, we are taking an unprecedented step by signing an agreement between California and the United Kingdom," the governor said. "International partnerships are needed in the fight against global warming and California has a responsibility and a profound role to play to protect not only our environment, but to be a world leader on this issue as well."

California's economy is the 12th largest emitter of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the world, although energy efficiency standards are higher than in many other states.

The "mission statement" signed by the two leaders comes after an hour-long roundtable in Long Beach focused on clean energy and climate issues with the governor, the prime minister and nine corporate executives.

The business leaders committed themselves to tackle climate change, describing it as a "global priority requiring focused and coordinated effort to avert the worst affects of global warming and restabilize our climate for future generations."